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An open-source docker desktop extension designed to help users visualize and manage their container metrics.


Manifest is a Docker Destop extension that simplifies monitoring and managing container information - currently primarily memory limits. With an intuitive UI, users can easily understand container memory usage and also configure both hard limits(--memory) and soft limits(--memory-reservation) for their containers.


Manifest displays real-time, important memory metrics such as total memory used by all containers, memory usage per container, and memory usage ratio by container (fig 1) . These metrics are displayed in easy to digest graphs. However, the real power of Manifest lies within its table, where detailed memory metrics on all running containers are shown. Clicking on a row reveals an intuitive GUI where users can do 2 things:

  1. Visually compare memory usage to the soft & hard limits (fig 2)
  2. Easily re-allocate memory through assignment of memory limits (fig 3)

Figure 1: Intuitive UI to understand memory metrics on all running containers

Figure 2: Detailed memory metrics on all containers found within the table

Figure 3: Intuitive UI for updating memory limits

Getting Started

You can install Manifest from this repo or by pulling the image form dockerhub

Prerequisite: Download Docker Desktop 4.8.0 or later

Install Manifest via Github

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine
  2. Navigate to Manifest folder in your terminal/PowerShell
  3. Build your docker image:
docker build -t manifest .
  1. Install Manifest onto Docker Desktop:
docker extension install manifest

You may be asked: 'Are you sure you want to continue? [y/N]' --> enter 'y' to continue

  1. Manifest is now installed and will be running inside of Docker Desktop

↓↓ gif detailing building and installing manifest from the cloned repository ↓↓

Install Manifest via DockerHub

  1. Pull image from dockerhub
docker pull manifestteam/manifest
  1. install the extension
docker extension install manifestteam/manifest

You may be asked: 'Are you sure you want to continue? [y/N]' --> enter 'y' to continue

  1. Manifest is now installed and will be running inside of Docker Desktop

↓↓ gif detailing pulling and installing manifest from dockerhub ↓↓

Extension Marketplace:

We are in the process of applying to have Manifest added to the Docker Desktop Extension Marketplace, but it is not yet avaliable there.

Windows containers

Under the hood, Manifest uses the docker update command to update container memory limits, which is currently NOT supported for Windows containers. If you are running Windows containers, you can still use Manifest to visually monitor your container memory metrics and limits, but to update you will still need to use the CLI and update limits another way.


Manifest is an open source product, so we welcome any/all feedbak. Please reach out or submit a PR if you'd like to help imporve Manifest!


Proudly partnered with OS Labs