I've just got pinged because I was mentioned some time ago. Dropping this comment clarifying that this works now with `/create?woocommerce`.
I'm sorry folks... It can be updated if you wish. PRs are welcome always. Don't be angry. If you check the README.md here, you can find a [section tilted Inspiration](https://github.com/oskosk/express-socket.io-session#inspiration)...
Thanks for the replies @knoxcard @daverickdunn. I think you may be confused about the point of this module. It's not to help one achieve what was not possible at some...
I think I found a problem with the logic of the `autoSave` option provided by this module. I'm double checking now.
This problem is fixed by #40 now and by the published `1.3.4`
I think I'm gonna reopen this issue and leave some notes. It's not a lesser problem if people spend a lot of time attempting to solve a problem with this...
I'm hereby reopening the issue. Hope you don't mind the change in the title and the notice I left on this issue's description.
Thanks! I've noticed that when unit testing using `socket.io-client`. Somehow I managed to ignore that issue. Do you have an approximate idea of what would be the expected behaviour? Or,...
Sorry, I closed the issue by error. I reopened it
OK, I'll fix the code to behave as expected. Thanks!