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關於 Google Play 版本更新
wxyz 大神有沒有在 RIME 薈萃群裡? 我是 Trime Google Play 版本管理者之一 想要商量一下 Play 商店更新事宜
Thanks for your help, we lack of sign key and permission to push to market right now.
@zhtw2013 Google play 是不是还在你那里?
还有存储权限的问题。如果不解决的话,可能无法发布至Google Play。#443
@zhtw2013 Google play 是不是还在你那里?
还有存储权限的问题。如果不解决的话,可能无法发布至Google Play。#443
我可以分享權限啊 開發者帳號是我買的 我分享權限給 osfans 但他最近太忙都沒時間更新 我也不懂怎麼更新
看要不要上 QQ 私聊 看更新怎麼搞
Thanks for your help, we lack of sign key and permission to push to market right now.
I can share permission for you.
Need your email address.
Thanks, but I lack the sign key to build the Trime, seems that only the owner has that key.
不容易,等了四年了,终于要在Google Play发布更新了吗
Thanks, but I lack the sign key to build the Trime, seems that only the owner has that key.
I have already got the key from osfans and can send it to you by email.(or QQ)
If you have the key and password to build the signed apk, maybe you can upload the latest version to Google market.
If you failed to make it, I can try to help with the signed apk.
Email: echo b292ZXJmbG93QG91dGxvb2suY29tCg== | base64 --decode
You should only share the signed apk here, since the key should be kept private.
Check your mailbox, the key has been sent. unzip password: b292ZXJmbG93QG91dGxvb2suY29tCg==
@zhtw2013 Thanks for the key and password, I had built a signed apk with this key on latest commit.
Could you verify and try to upload this apk to Play Store? APK file:
The update was denied by Google because the (MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) permission was used.
現在就是有權限問題導致無法更新啊QQ 现在还没解决谷歌商店更新的问题吗?
我觉得有必要移除外部存储的权限问题,改而使用 backup save/restore机制来载入备份的 yaml config。
这不仅是google play的更新问题,将来android 平台直接获取外部存储的全局权限只会越发收缩,到时候这个app更难生存。