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A collection of open resources for web designers
A collection of open source resources for web designers
Design guides
- Design Principles
- Adele - Design Systems
- Design Systems Repo
- Style Guides
- Laws of UX
- Humane by Design
- Digital Psychology
- Design Manifestos
- Código Deontologico READ (PDF)
- Design Principles (by Jeremy Keith)
UI galleries/guides
- Component gallery Repository of interface components based on examples from the world of design systems.
SVG Icons
- outpunk/evil-icons Simple and clean SVG icon pack
- google/material-design-icons Material Design icons by Google
- Templarian/MaterialDesign 2000+ Material Design Icons from the Community
- github/octicons A scalable set of icons handcrafted with <3 by GitHub
- driftyco/ionicons The premium icon font for Ionic
- stephenhutchings/typicons.font 336 pixel perfect, all-purpose vector icons in a web-font kit
- Keyamoon/IcoMoon-Free A package of flat vector icons together with an installable ligature font
- iconic/open-iconic An open source icon set with 223 marks in SVG, webfont and raster formats
- frexy/glyph-iconset A minimal SVG icon set for modern web
- linear icons
- bytesize-icons Tiny style-controlled SVG iconset (92 icons, 10kb)
- colebemis/feather Simply beautiful open source icons
- michaelampr/jam Set of icons designed for web projects, illustrations, print projects, etc
- xtoolkit/Micon Windows 10 icons
- akveo/eva-icons A pack of more than 480 beautifully crafted Open Source icons
- ikonate Fully customisable & accessible vector icons
- tabler-icons A set of over 300 free MIT-licensed high-quality SVG icons
- - SVG icon search engine with all of the above repos indexed (over 50,000 SVG icons!)
- phosphor Phosphor is a flexible icon family for interfaces, diagrams, presentations — whatever, really.
- gilbarbara/logos A huge collection of SVG logos
- alrra/browser-logos High resolution web browser logos
- danleech/simple-icons SVG icons for popular brands
- larsenwork/web.svg.min Vector icons, badges, flags etc. über optimised for web use.
- kogg/instant-logos All the logos of
- edent/SuperTinySocialIcons Under 1KB each! Super Tiny Social Icons are miniscule SVG versions of your favourite logos
- - search engine with over 200,000 SVG logos indexed
- VectorLogoZone - consistently formatted SVG logos
:+1: Available as variable font
Open Source Type foundries
- SanFrancisco (MacOS|iOS|WatchOS) / Updated version (from apple) The Apple's UI font used in the Apple Watch, iOS 9, and OS X El Capitan.
- Roboto (Android) Googles's UI font used in Android
- Segoe (Windows) / More complete version UI font used in windows
- Fira (FirefoxOS) Mozilla's new typeface, used in Firefox OS
- Ubuntu The Ubuntu font family
- Inter The Inter UI font family :+1:
- Salesforce Sans
- IBM Plex
- iA Writer Duospace
- Public Sans
- PT Root UI :+1:
- Golos UI :+1:
Sans serif
- Onest
- Clear Sans
- Cooper Hewitt
- adobe-fonts/source-sans-pro
- itfoundry/hind-vadodara
- vernnobile/OswaldFont
- RedHatBrand/overpass
- vernnobile/MuliFont
- weiweihuanghuang/Work-Sans
- theleagueof/junction
- theleagueof/league-spartan
- theleagueof/ostrich-sans
- theleagueof/league-gothic
- theleagueof/orbitron
- sursly/katahdin
- impallari/Raleway
- impallari/Encode-Sans
- impallari/Amiko-Devanagari
- impallari/Cabin
- impallari/Libre-Franklin
- 18F/18franklin
- larsenwork/Gidole
- Lato
- Barlow
- Faune
- Space Grotesk :+1:
- Wonder Unit
- Techna Sans
- Manrope :+1:
- Lexend :+1:
- Violet Sans
- Secuela :+1:
- Atkinson Hyperlegible A typeface with greater legibility and readability for low vision readers
- Aleo
- adobe-fonts/source-serif-pro
- georgd/EB-Garamond
- klepas/open-baskerville
- impallari/Libre-Baskerville
- CatharsisFonts/Cormorant
- theleagueof/linden-hill
- theleagueof/fanwood
- theleagueof/sorts-mill-goudy
- theleagueof/prociono
- theleagueof/goudy-bookletter-1911
- Fonthausen/CrimsonPro :+1: - A professionally produced redesign
- edwardtufte/et-book
- antonxheight/Arvo
- clauseggers/Inknut-Antiqua
- clauseggers/Playfair-Display
- uplaod/YoungSerif
- impallari/Libre-Clarendon
- impallari/Libre-Bodoni
- impallari/Libre-Caslon-Text
- impallari/Libre-Caslon-Display
- mozilla/zilla-slab
- mjlagattuta/Hepta-Slab
- productiontype/NewsReader :+1:
- productiontype/Spectral
- RingoSeeber/Petrona :+1:
- undercasetype/Frances :+1:
- Literata :+1:
- adobe-fonts/source-code-pro Monospaced font family for user interface and coding environments
- tonsky/FiraCode Monospaced font with programming ligatures
- belluzj/fantasque-sans A font family with a great monospaced variant for programmers
- larsenwork/monoid Customisable coding font with alternates, ligatures and contextual positioning. Crazy crisp at 12px/9pt.
- andreberg/Meslo-Font Customized version of Apple's Menlo font.
- i-tu/Hasklig A code font with monospaced ligatures
- be5invis/Iosevka Slender typeface for code, from cod
- source-foundry/Hack A typeface designed for source code
- madmalik/mononoki A programming typeface
- raphaelbastide/Whois-mono A simple monospace font
- JetBrains Mono A free and open source typeface for developers
- Cascadia Code Monospaced font that includes programming ligatures and is designed to enhance the modern look and feel of the Windows Terminal.
- Lilex Open source programming font
- Victor Mono A free programming font with cursive italics and ligatures.
- Consolas ligaturized Standard Consolas font with FiraCode ligatures.
- Hasklig Hasklig - a code font with monospaced ligatures
- Fantasque Sans A font family with a great monospaced variant for programmers.
- Input Input is a flexible system of fonts designed specifically for code
- JuliaMono A monospaced font with reasonable Unicode support.
- displaay/Azeret Azeret is a sans-serif typeface with a mono-linear character.
- sursly/sono A soft monospace variable font :+1:
- antijingoist/open-dyslexic
- ipython/xkcd-font
- theleagueof/blackout
- theleagueof/chunk
- theleagueof/knewave
- theleagueof/league-script-number-one
- theleagueof/sniglet
- sursly/taurusmono
- awp/chawp
- awp/christopharii
- uplaod/FuturaRenner
- impallari/The-Lobster-Font
- sursly/excelsiorama
- figs-lab/datalegreya
- Optician Sans Typeface based on the historical eye charts and optotypes used by opticians world wide
- Chomsky A font in the style of the New York Times masthead
- Shake The typeface with Parkingson's
- Sprat A display typeface