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Best practice for evaluation code
Hi, thank you for your great implementation!
I found that your Keras-like fit function is elegant, but as the evaluation code is implemented as a callback function after each epoch, it is unclear how to load the trained model and check the performance of it.
Can you share your evaluation code?
I only used the callback when evaluating so I don't have any other evaluation code. This function is what the evaluate callback uses. https://github.com/oscarknagg/few-shot/blob/672de83a853cc2d5e9fe304dc100b4a735c10c15/few_shot/eval.py#L9
You can call it on its own if you want to evaluate a pre-trained model. Here's the outline of an evaluation script.
import torch
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
from few_shot.eval import evaluate
from few_shot.datasets import OmniglotDataset
from few_shot.core import NShotTaskSampler
args = your_args
model = ModelClass()
dataloader = DataLoader(
batch_sampler=NShotTaskSampler(evaluation, args.eval_batches, n=args.n, k=args.k, q=args.q,
prepare_batch = your_prepare_batch_function
metrics = evaluate(model, dataloader, your_prepare_batch_function, metrics=['accuracy'])
Hi @oscarknagg, in this evaluation code, I don't see the forward and backward part for support set in new task. Could you explain how can we adapt for new task?
@oscarknagg Thank you for your great contribution. I ran the code one by one and I do not see if ever evaluate.py is being run. Am I mistaked?