Ostap Brehin

Results 32 comments of Ostap Brehin

@daybrush I think there is a way to make the Moveable library bundle 10x smaller by using `preact-compat` instead of React. **Preact is a much smaller alternative to React which...

I'm having the same issue by using custom Traefik labels in the `servers.web.labels` section of the config. It always shows this error when I'm deploying. Looking forward to testing the...

Looks like it's possible to call `Objective-C` from `Go`. https://coderwall.com/p/l9jr5a/accessing-cocoa-objective-c-from-go-with-cgo And here is the docs for `Service Management` API https://developer.apple.com/documentation/servicemanagement?language=objc

I compiled this project manually on Fedora, and I get the same error: ```bash > fprintd-enroll Impossible to enroll: GDBus.Error:net.reactivated.Fprint.Error.NoSuchDevice: No devices available ```

Any ideas why this package still supports Laravel 8 and PHP 7.3? They both reached EOL.

There is also [nprogress](https://github.com/rstacruz/nprogress) in case you need an alternative. It is used in [Inertia.js](https://inertiajs.com) (Laravel & Ruby on Rails protocol)

In my case, the problem was that I needed to run the installer script as root.

Tooling idea: http://tauri.app/ for a web-based interface with Rust back-end in a desktop app

I'd recommend using ```ruby gem "minima", :github => 'jekyll/minima' ``` in your `Gemfile` instead of `remote_theme` as a solution.