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A extensible library for Settings/Code separation

Results 6 prettyconf issues
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`tests/` can fail when running with `pytest --randomly-seed=123`.

Useful to make .env more "compatible" with a sourceable shell file. And avoid problems with things like silently fail on parsing this kind of URLs: * `DATABASE_URL="postgresql://user:pass@host/db"` Optional (depending on...


Just sharing my thoughts here. This is inspired by [GoodConf](, and the idea is to allow encapsulating settings inside a structure other than a python module. ```python from prettyconf import...

I believe documentation should also teach good practices. Added a notice for how to properly name an environment setting. I thought about adding an option like `Environment(prefix='MY_APP_')` but we already...

- If the user provides a cast function, we use that one, no questions asked. - if the user sets a default that is an int, str, boolean, float, etc,...