DropdownMenu icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
DropdownMenu copied to clipboard

DropdownMenu - Xamarin forms Sample Control


DropdownMenu - Xamarin forms (andriod & ios)Sample Control


This control help you to show a dropdown menu to user in ios & andriod a quick way to select one value or multi from a set. a dropdown-menu shows its currently selected value. Touching the dropdown-menu header displays a dropdown menu with all other available values, from which the user can select a new one or multi.

Getting Started

The project is up on NuGet at the following URL:


Install this package into your shared project. There is no need to install it in your platform specific projects.

One More Step:

Simply add the images you want to show for andriod & ios project with names (CheckBoxChecked-CheckBoxUnchecked-ExpanderClose-ExpanderOpen) After that you're good to go!

if you need to make it single choice just set the single choice property = true



alt text alt text alt text alt text

My Controls