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Migrations not running on new Azure Postgres Flexible Server
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Ory Network Project
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Describe the bug
When starting a new Hydra instance in a fresh Azure Postgres Flexible Server (v15) the migrations will fail immediately due to the md5 being disabled for FIPS compliancy.
The culprits in this situation are following migrations:
- https://github.com/ory/hydra/blob/master/persistence/sql/migrations/20150101000001000000_networks.postgres.up.sql
- https://github.com/ory/hydra/blob/f83193f90814691d10d88493eb6357cf37565115/persistence/sql/migrations/20211011000001000000_change_jwk_primary_key.postgres.up.sql
A possibillity is to change the uuid generation with the uuid-ossp extenstion.
Reproducing the bug
- Start an Azure Postgres Flexible Server version 15
- Point hydra to this database and run the migrations
Relevant log output
{"audience":"application","level":"info","migration_file":"migrations/20150101000001000000_networks.postgres.up.sql","migration_name":"networks","msg":"Migration has not yet been applied, running
migration.","service_name":"Ory Hydra","service_version":"v2.2.0","time":"2024-09-25T13:37:00.960450904Z","version":"20150101000001000000"}
this error should never be printed
Could not apply migrations:
ERROR: could not compute MD5 hash: disabled for FIPS (SQLSTATE XX000)
error executing migrations/20150101000001000000_networks.postgres.up.sql, sql: -- Migration generated by the command below; DO NOT EDIT.
-- hydra:generate hydra migrate gen
CREATE TABLE "networks" (
"created_at" timestamp NOT NULL,
"updated_at" timestamp NOT NULL
INSERT INTO networks (id, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (uuid_in(
md5(random()::text || ':' || clock_timestamp()::text)
placing '4'
from 13
placing to_hex(floor(random()*(11-8+1) + 8)::int)::text
from 17
), '2013-10-07 08:23:19', '2013-10-07 08:23:19');
Relevant configuration
No response
On which operating system are you observing this issue?
In which environment are you deploying?
Kubernetes with Helm
Additional Context
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