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The Travelling Trader Quest (Rashid)
Second Rashid mission is bugged in door next Npc Snake Eye (Outlaw Camp). This door contain a chest with a package for Rashid its necessary to complete second mission. I solved this below:
data/actions/actions.xml add this:
<!--The Travelling Trader Quest-->
<!--Position: 32660, 32192, 8 -->
<action actionid="1108" script="quests/the travelling trader quest/package_door.lua" />
create the folder "the travelling trader quest/package_door.lua" in data/actions/quests create a script with name "package_door.lua" put below in package_door.lua:
--Third Mission package for Rashid
function onUse(player, item, fromPosition, target, toPosition, isHotkey)
-- Cannot use opened door
if item.itemid == 5133 then
return false
if player:getStorageValue(Storage.TravellingTrader.Mission02) < 1 then
player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, 'This door seems to be sealed against unwanted intruders.')
return true
local doorItem = Tile(Position(32660, 32192, 8)):getItemById(1223)
if doorItem then
player:teleportTo(toPosition, true)
return true