chairs copied to clipboard
Xcode 7 Simulator Not Found
Running Xcode 7, sitting in the directory for my app, I ran...
barbecuesteve:MyApp 🔥 chairs sync
Couldn't find an active iOS Simulator
barbecuesteve:MyApp 🔥 ps aux|grep "Simulator "
barbecuesteve 45695 0.0 0.6 2751448 100100 ?? S 8:50AM 0:12.48 /Applications/ -SessionOnLaunch NO
barbecuesteve 45811 0.0 0.0 2432772 672 s001 S+ 8:53AM 0:00.00 grep Simulator
barbecuesteve:MyApp 🔥
Haven't tried stairs with Xcode 7. Does it just not look for simulators, @orta?
We use xcrun simctl list
- so it could be that your terminal is using a different Xcode to your app.
Check which Xcode the command line tools are using:
$ xcode-select --print-path
Switch it with:
$ sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/
That was it, xcode-select
was pointing towards Xcode 6.4.
But now it's strange... when I do chairs pull MyApp
, it pulls the directory structure for the last app I executed under Xcode 6.4. Ideas on how I can further diagnose?