is the conclusion that this is an issue that need to fix in nvim?
try with the sync API of asyncua instead of python-opcua . If you still get the issue I need to know the definitoin of that structures.
use asyncua library. The only changes should be to import `from asyncua.sync import XXX` instead of `from opcua` https://github.com/FreeOpcUa/opcua-asyncio
aslre replace get_xx with read_xxx
use load_data_type_definition() instead of load_type_definion()
load_data_type_definitoin() is following the 1.04 spec. Your server probably does not support that verison of spec. What server are you using? Anyway honestly I do not have time debugging older...
Interesting to see than that kind of thing is in spec. Yes it seems to be the most reliable way to detect connection issues. Many sdk have this built-in, and...
why not adding a test before that line then: ` for url in app.DiscoveryUrls: # Crash here -> TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable`
Lists can be none in ua so yes adding a test to not crash is a good idea. And a PR is welcome
what do you mean by different processes? multiprocess module? threading? anyway the entire opcua server is in one thread and any client accessing it is also served in same thread....