environment icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
environment copied to clipboard

Please follow https://doc.oroinc.com/backend/setup/dev-environment/ for development environment setup.


A Dockerized development environment for applications based on OroPlatform.


  • Installation on Linux based distribution
  • Installation on macOS (OSX)

Additional Information

  • Advanced Usage
  • Run tests in Docker environment
  • Run tests like CI server
  • Switch database, php and other services version
  • Use Cases

Quick Start

  1. Clone repository to your local machine

    git clone [email protected]:oroinc/environment.git ~/orodev
  2. Configure GitHub token for current project. To retrieve new token follow by this link.

    docker run -v $(realpath ~/orodev)/environment/.composer/auth/:/usr/local/composer/auth oroinc/composer:1.4 config -g github-oauth.github.com <YOUR_GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN>
  3. Define environment variable with absolute path to the application root directory

    export ORO_APP=$(realpath ~/orodev)/application/commerce-crm-ee
  4. Define environment variable with application env mode (prod or dev, prod by default)

    export SYMFONY_ENV=prod

    This variable is required

  5. Run docker compose

    docker-compose -p oro -f environment/php71_nginx_pgsql_full_ee.yml up

    This variable is optional (will be in prod mode if not defined)

  6. Wait until composer vendors installation. Proceed once you see next message

    oro_composer_1 exited with code 0

  7. Then open in your web-browser http://webserver.oro.docker and continue via web installation wizard.

Environment Credentials For Install

Database connection

Driver: PostgreSQL
Host: database
Port: empty
Name: oro_db
User: oro_db_user
Password: oro_db_pass
Drop database: None

Mail Settings:

Transport: SMTP
Host: mail
Port: 1025
Encryption: None
user: empty
password: empty

Websocket connection:

Service bind address:
Service bind port: 8080
WS Backend host: *
WS Backend port: 8080
WS Frontend host: *
WS Frontend port: 8080

Mail and RabbitMQ Web-GUIs


All emails what be sent from application will be catched by MailHog.
Web-GUI available by url: http://mail.{project_name}.docker:1080 (for example: http://mail.oro.docker:1080)

RabbitMq (available only if you use EE setup)

UI: http://mq.{project_name}.docker:15672 (for example: http://mq.oro.docker:15672)
User: oro_mq_user
Password: oro_mq_pass

Shutdown environment

If you want to stop environment for future just press ctrl + c, in detached mode run:

docker-compose -p oro -f environment/php71_nginx_pgsql_full_ee.yml stop

Restore after shutdown

docker-compose -p oro -f environment/php71_nginx_pgsql_full_ee.yml up

Reinstall application

  1. Destroy docker containers with volumes
    docker-compose -p oro -f environment/php71_nginx_pgsql_full_ee.yml down -v

    Warning it is destroy all persistent data (database, search, mq, etc..)

  2. Delete application cache
    rm -rf "${ORO_APP}/var/cache/*"
  3. Delete application config
    rm -rf "${ORO_APP}/config/parameters.yml"
  4. Run new containers
    docker-compose -p oro -f environment/php71_nginx_pgsql_full_ee.yml up


Run commands one by one to clean up your environment

docker ps -aq | xargs docker rm -fv
docker volume ls -q | xargs docker volume rm -f
docker network ls -q | xargs docker network rm
docker images -q | xargs docker rmi -f