Vladislav Orlov

Results 11 comments of Vladislav Orlov

The `actingAs` method doesn't help me :(( > Tymon\\JWTAuth\\Exceptions\\JWTException(code: 0): **Token could not be parsed from the request.** at /var/www/html/vendor/tymon/jwt-auth/src/JWTGuard.php:402

Solved it by overriding `actingAs` method in abstract TestCase class: ```php /** * @inheritDoc */ public function actingAs(UserContract $user, $guard = null) { parent::actingAs($user, $guard); $token = auth()->login($user); $this->withHeaders(array_merge([$this->defaultHeaders, ['Authorization'...

What about catch export simple variables with `jsdoc/require-jsdoc`? ```js export let someBool = false; export let someString = "foo-bar"; export const someObject = {}; ```

@brettz9 thank you! It's work for me

Thank you for reporting the issue! I've found some bug with reading options from config (parcel team has changed api little bit again), so I've made a small fix and...

@moevbiz can you give your config? or publish a reproducible example? For example I using `postcss` in Svelte like this: ```js // svelte.config.js const postcss = require('postcss') const postcssrc =...

@willstott101 the error is fixed in v1.2.3 release

> Hey, great work on this plugin! I was wondering if you would be interested in making it official? It would become `@parcel/transformer-svelte` and be included in `@parcel/config-default`. I think...

as workaround you can clean your app's target before init component: ```js import App from './App.svelte'; const target = document.getElementById('svelte-root') target.innerHTML = '' new App({ target }) ```

You can also try to use HMR-API for component disposing ```js import App from './App.svelte'; const target = document.getElementById('svelte-root') const app = new App({ target }); if (module.hot) { module.hot.dispose(()...