venom copied to clipboard
messageSendResult: 'ERROR_UNKNOWN' in sendImage
- Venom version(s): v5.0.22
- Browser: [e.g. Chrome 118.0.5993.70]
- OS: [e.g. AMI 2023]
- Node version: [e.g.Node 18]
Steps to Reproduce
- Create the client and get authenticated on whatsapp.
- Trying to send images using the sendImage
Log Output
{ me: { id: { server: '', user: '91xxxxxxxxx', _serialized: '[email protected]' }, displayName: null, verifiedName: null, searchName: null, pushname: '91xxxxxxxxx', notifyName: null, isBusiness: null, formattedUser: null, tag: '1696238598', eurl: '', previewEurl: '', fullDirectPath: '/v/xxxxxxxxxxxx_835695434704154_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_n.jpg?ccb=11-4&oh=01_AdQTmhUyFu4UfyUUJLCH_iCPgvmt8wFvhuZDJagPna_gSw&oe=65474C4B&_nc_sid=000000&_nc_cat=101', previewDirectPath: '/v/xxxxxxxxxxxxxx35695434704154_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_s96x96&ccb=11-4&oh=01_AdRfrcyu1ZbxHcdZYjlJkWNCRDAKczpZKrurRjiZu27x3w&oe=65474C4B&_nc_sid=000000&_nc_cat=101', filehash: 'OO4kh6rPaEbzCh+yEeyysWtdddDlzXItW+Wd3Emfexx=', stale: false, eurlStale: false, timestamp: 1698314340366, hostRetryCount: 0 }, to: { fromMe: true, remote: { server: '', user: '1203xxxxxxxxx', _serialized: '[email protected]' }, id: 'CSZUBLXZWI0YKTSA', _serialized: '[email protected]_CSZUBLXZWI0YKTSA' }, erro: true, text: null, status: { messageSendResult: 'ERROR_UNKNOWN' } }
Your Code
const createClientInstance = async () => {
const _session = 'started';
const _client = await create(
async (base64Qrimg, asciiQR, attempts, urlCode) => {
console.log('Number of attempts to read the qrcode: ', attempts);
console.log('Terminal qrcode: ', asciiQR);
console.log('base64 image string qrcode: ', base64Qrimg);
console.log('urlCode (data-ref): ', urlCode);
const fileName = `qr_code_${new Date().getTime()}.png`;
// statusFind
(statusSession: string, session: string) => {
console.log('Status Session: ', statusSession);
console.log('Session name: ', session);
// options
session: 'test-session',
folderNameToken: 'tokens', //folder name when saving tokens
mkdirFolderToken: '', //folder directory tokens, just inside the venom folder, example: { mkdirFolderToken: '/node_modules', } //will save the tokens folder in the node_modules directory
headless: 'new', // Headless chrome
devtools: true, // Open devtools by default
// useChrome: true, // If false will use Chromium instance
debug: true, // Opens a debug session
logQR: true, // Logs QR automatically in terminal
browserWS: '', // If u want to use browserWSEndpoint
browserArgs: [
'--single-process', // <- this one doesn't works in Windows
], // Parameters to be added into the chrome browser instance
puppeteerOptions: {}, // Will be passed to puppeteer.launch
disableSpins: false, // Will disable Spinnies animation, useful for containers (docker) for a better log
disableWelcome: false, // Will disable the welcoming message which appears in the beginning
updatesLog: true, // Logs info updates automatically in terminal
autoClose: 60000, // Automatically closes the venom-bot only when scanning the QR code (default 60 seconds, if you want to turn it off, assign 0 or false)
createPathFileToken: false, //creates a folder when inserting an object in the client's browser, to work it is necessary to pass the parameters in the function create browserSessionToken
attemptsForceConnectLoad: 10
_client.onMessage((message) => {
// console.log('Message: ', message, 'at: ', new Date());
_client.onAck((ack) => {
// console.log('Ack: ', ack, 'at: ', new Date());
_client.onStreamChange((state) => {
console.log('State Connection Stream: ', state, 'at: ', new Date());
return _client;
const test = async () => {
const client = await createClientInstance();
await client.sendImage('[email protected]', 'sample.png', 'sample.png', 'test');
Additional context / Screenshot
Add any other context about the problem here. If applicable, add screenshots to help explain.
wait client.sendImage(message.from, 'url_da_imagem', 'nome-da-imagem' ,'texto-da-imagem');
New Release: npm i [email protected]
We have support for Venom for just $15 per month, if you are interested, call our support via the link: