Oliver Jones
Oliver Jones
BTW if you're looking for the ability to upload beta builds to App Store Connect you can just use the altool command line tool which is bundled with Xcode. You...
Regarding the speed of the process, is there any way we could use the ASC API's ability to include sub-resources in requests to create/update? See the WWDC20 video https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2020/10004/ from...
@SoylentGraham are you using a self-hosted agent? Or are you executing the action multiple times in a workflow? There should be no retained state on GitHub hosted agents.
@b-zurg The keychain needs to be retained for the entire job not just the action. As Xcode needs to access the keychain.
I've noticed something interesting related to exclude path handling that differs between the SwiftLint docker image and the macOS installed binary (both version 0.46.5). We have the SwiftLint config in...
GitHub has docs on setting up Pull Request Reminders but I can't find the option in my Company's Team settings. https://help.github.com/en/github/setting-up-and-managing-organizations-and-teams/managing-scheduled-reminders-for-pull-requests
As an update I figured out that you need opt in to the beta for pull reminders.
This might have been fixed in iOS 11. See: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=167131
Um. This blocking people using xcpretty with Sonar and is a trivial change. Why can we not get a `v0.2.9` in the interim before `0.3`?
Can we please fix this problem? It is a real problem for users of xcpretty in conjunction with other tools that consume junit style xml. Eg. Sonar. As you can...