ngx-infinite-scroll copied to clipboard
Common config
Is it possible to create common config overriding default values of directive properties([infiniteScrollDistance], [infiniteScrollThrottle])?
would love to know about this also
@aharadkou can you provide an example of a common config?
@aharadkou can you provide an example of a common config? In my view it should look smth like this:
// AppModule.ts
providers: [
useValue: {
infiniteScrollDistance: 1.5,
infiniteScrollThrottle: 250,
scrollWindow: false
Then value provided with SCROLL_CONFIG token should be used to set default @Input()
properties for all infiniteScroll instances
@aharadkou it can help if you can link another library/component that implements
@aharadkou it can help if you can link another library/component that implements
@orizens Perfect scrollbar implements it