Diogo Sousa
Diogo Sousa
* [ ] `List` * [ ] `Stack` * [ ] `Queue` * [ ] `Vector` * [ ] `HashTrieMap` * [ ] `HashTrieSet` * [ ] `RedBlackTreeMap` * [...
See 6af0922233a97575867f09d4d18598349e713753.
- [ ] impl - [ ] utest - [ ] bench See https://arxiv.org/pdf/1312.4666.pdf
- [ ] impl - [ ] utest - [ ] bench See https://www.westpoint.edu/eecs/SiteAssets/SitePages/Faculty%20Publication%20Documents/Okasaki/jfp95queue.pdf
- [ ] BTreeMap - [ ] impl - [ ] utest - [ ] bench - [ ] BTreeSet - [ ] impl - [ ] utest - [...
This is bad because it involves more heap allocations and also more efford when `Vec`s need to expand. To not lose the ability to configure the branching factor this is...
- [ ] `List` - [ ] `Vector` - [ ] `Stack` - [ ] `Queue` - [ ] `HashTrieMap` - [ ] `HashTrieSet` - [ ] `RedBlackTreeMap` - [...