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Exception swallowed in Task

Open jmatsushita opened this issue 6 years ago • 3 comments

When using a require()d missing import, which should be undefined, inside a Task the exception is swallowed.

Steps to reproduce

See upcoming test.

Expected behaviour

An exception to be raised

Observed behaviour

The program doesn't raise an exception or not even an unhandledRejection.


  • OS: OSX
  • JavaScript VM: node 8.5
  • Folktale version: 2.0.1

jmatsushita avatar Nov 12 '17 20:11 jmatsushita

Mmh, I'm confused about that PR. The tests pass when fixing the check in the catch branch.

In any case, Task shouldn't be swallowing any errors, but it's quite possible that some weird interaction between Task and Promises is doing that. Hard to say what without more context though.

robotlolita avatar Nov 16 '17 15:11 robotlolita

The conditional assertion was confusing indeed. I've hopefully clarified the intent now with the updated PR description.

jmatsushita avatar Nov 18 '17 10:11 jmatsushita

I encountered a similar problem if I try to use jsonwebtoken.

No matter if I use Task.fromNodeback(jwt.sign) or make my own task with:

const t = task(resolver =>
    jwt.sign(payload, secret, (err, _) =>
      err ? resolver.reject() : resolver.resolve()
    ) would resolve but

await t
        .map(_ => { throw new Error('abc') })

will swallow the error and hang there.

So far, haven't encounter any problem neither if I use the synchronized version: t = Task.of(jwt.sign(payload, secret)) or any other circumstances. Just with async jwt stuff.

Oh and if I console.log, I can see that the .maps are executed but never .listen neither anything awaiting the promise.

~~No problem with .listen if not using .promise()~~ not true after all...

node: 9.3.0 OS: Linux folktale: 2.0.1

Hope this helps...

edit: Just tried with data.task and couldn't make it work either =/ Maybe it's the library (don't get how could that be) or me doing something wrong...

yormi avatar Dec 17 '17 21:12 yormi