Zhihao Cui

Results 90 issues of Zhihao Cui

Adds a few theme next controls to component examples, just like mode and density There should be some priorities for the new styling options (accent/corner/headingFont/actionFont) for the user to try...

With #3714, we need to think about how to surface those additional styling options on the main site. It could be additional a toggle on the main site, or deploy...

package: theme
type: site 🌐
adopter: pepper

### Package name(s) Core (@salt-ds/core) ### Package version(s) 1.8.1 ### Description Text is not aligned to the center vertically in HD Button ### Steps to reproduce Windows Firefox 102.11.0esr (32-bit),...

type: bug 🪲
status: needs more info

To use Salt, we need [load font](https://www.saltdesignsystem.com/salt/getting-started/developing#2-add-required-web-fonts). In theory, we can use [`next/font`](https://nextjs.org/docs/pages/building-your-application/optimizing/fonts#with-tailwind-css)'s variable option with `--salt-typography-fontFamily` pointing to next's font. ```js import { Open_Sans } from 'next/font/google'; const openSans...

type: documentation

### Area UI Components ### The problem Have been trying to integrate `@salt-ds/lab` `DatePicker` component with React-Hook-Form. Below is the implementation for controlled DatePicker with React-Hook-Form. Point to consider :...

type: enhancement 💡
status: awaiting triage
component: date picker

Kept `--card-accent-color` in case anyone using it. Moved hover block before active, to make border/shadow styles correct. #3875

Currently text size are fixed pixels, which doesn't follow browser text resize. Any plan with `rem`? What's the impact for mobile? e.g. iOS Safari

status: awaiting triage
adopter: strategic product
adopter: pepper

From #4133, some components using secondary text doesn't have QA story enabled for salt next theme. - Form Field - Dialog (possible clean up / combine stories needed) - Link...

Follow bug in code #4193, group header tokens should be updated to be "content" instead of "text" in all components

type: bug 🪲