Zhihao Cui
Zhihao Cui
### Package name(s) Core (@salt-ds/core) ### Package version(s) _No response_ ### Description Dialog spacing is not even left/right, should be `spacing-300` on all sizes ### Steps to reproduce _No response_...
### Area UI Components ### The problem Dialog header text and icon size are fixed to H2 and size=1, in some application, text and icon needs to be bigger. We...
### Package name(s) AG Grid Theme (@salt-ds/ag-grid-theme) ### Package version(s) @salt-ds/theme (1.14.0), and @salt-ds/ag-grid-theme (1.4.1) ### Description > we noticed in the Salt AG Grid theme that the icon CSS...
### Area UI Components ### The problem We can use spinner to represent indeterminate state of circular progress, but can't find an equivalent for linear progress ### The solution Someting...
```[tasklist] ### Tasks - [ ] Bordered Button #3325 - [ ] Colored Button (or Status) #3326 - [ ] Bordered form controls ```
### Area Documentation ### The problem Currently [Navigation Pattern](https://www.saltdesignsystem.com/salt/patterns/navigation) doesn't cover mobile guidance, especially when both Tabs in App Header and Vertical Navigation are used. Some of these are covered...
Add examples to achieve pepper buttons (including necessary a11y attributes) to Salt storybook Design decision: Loading button visual = Bordered appearance
Adds an example to use menu item with icon & secondary label
Pepper pagination pattern emphasis on item count rather than page count, including a dropdown selecting item count per page. ```[tasklist] ### Tasks - [ ] Pepper team design - [...
Replica of Pepper task ```[tasklist] ### Dependencies - [x] Saltify pepper design ([Figma](https://www.figma.com/file/D77xAo0MafoB9KtyaeDM0N/UNSTABLE--Salt-2.0-Theme-for-CB-(v1)?type=design&node-id=2002%3A5947&mode=design&t=uV2KIh0RoeYofuDh-1)) - [ ] #2457 - [ ] #3308 ```