Zhihao Cui

Results 90 issues of Zhihao Cui

### Package name(s) Core (@salt-ds/core) ### Package version(s) _No response_ ### Description Dialog spacing is not even left/right, should be `spacing-300` on all sizes ### Steps to reproduce _No response_...

type: bug 🪲
status: awaiting triage
component: dialog

### Area UI Components ### The problem Dialog header text and icon size are fixed to H2 and size=1, in some application, text and icon needs to be bigger. We...

type: enhancement 💡
status: awaiting triage
component: dialog

### Package name(s) AG Grid Theme (@salt-ds/ag-grid-theme) ### Package version(s) @salt-ds/theme (1.14.0), and @salt-ds/ag-grid-theme (1.4.1) ### Description > we noticed in the Salt AG Grid theme that the icon CSS...

type: bug 🪲
package: ag-grid-theme
priority: high 😡

### Area UI Components ### The problem We can use spinner to represent indeterminate state of circular progress, but can't find an equivalent for linear progress ### The solution Someting...

type: enhancement 💡
status: awaiting triage
component: progress

```[tasklist] ### Tasks - [ ] Bordered Button #3325 - [ ] Colored Button (or Status) #3326 - [ ] Bordered form controls ```

package: theme
priority: high 😡

### Area Documentation ### The problem Currently [Navigation Pattern](https://www.saltdesignsystem.com/salt/patterns/navigation) doesn't cover mobile guidance, especially when both Tabs in App Header and Vertical Navigation are used. Some of these are covered...

type: documentation
type: enhancement 💡
status: awaiting triage
type: pattern 🧩
pattern: navigation

Add examples to achieve pepper buttons (including necessary a11y attributes) to Salt storybook Design decision: Loading button visual = Bordered appearance

priority: high 😡
component: button
type: component 📦
adopter: pepper

Adds an example to use menu item with icon & secondary label

priority: low 😴
adopter: pepper
component: menu

Pepper pagination pattern emphasis on item count rather than page count, including a dropdown selecting item count per page. ```[tasklist] ### Tasks - [ ] Pepper team design - [...

priority: high 😡
adopter: pepper

Replica of Pepper task ```[tasklist] ### Dependencies - [x] Saltify pepper design ([Figma](https://www.figma.com/file/D77xAo0MafoB9KtyaeDM0N/UNSTABLE--Salt-2.0-Theme-for-CB-(v1)?type=design&node-id=2002%3A5947&mode=design&t=uV2KIh0RoeYofuDh-1)) - [ ] #2457 - [ ] #3308 ```

priority: high 😡
adopter: pepper