Zhihao Cui

Results 90 issues of Zhihao Cui

### Area UI Components, Documentation ### The problem To support specific use case on different locale, date picker needs flexibility to configure different date format (after parsing) Salt default date...

type: documentation
type: enhancement 💡
status: awaiting triage
component: date picker
adopter: pepper

### Area UI Components ### The problem In smaller viewport, dual calendar of range picker would be too wide. ### The solution Need a way to pass a prop down...

type: enhancement 💡
status: awaiting triage
component: date picker
adopter: pepper

### Area UI Components ### The problem Pepper has a use case to embed an avatar within combobox input pill. Should multi select combo box support icon / pill ###...

type: enhancement 💡
status: awaiting triage
component: combo box
component: pill
adopter: pepper

### Area UI Components ### The problem - Secondary header background (XS) - Rounded corner support for inputs (L) ### The solution - ### Alternatives and examples - ### Are...

type: enhancement 💡
status: awaiting triage
package: ag-grid-theme
adopter: pepper

```[tasklist] ### Tasks - [ ] Interactive card: 4 corners rounded (currently accent bar is square) - [ ] Segmented button group: outer most corners of buttons be rounded (currently...

package: theme
adopter: pepper

### Area UI Components ### The problem Give the right chevron option, e.g. via a prop ### The solution - ### Alternatives and examples - ### Are you a JPMorgan...

type: enhancement 💡
status: awaiting triage
component: accordion
adopter: pepper

### Package name(s) Core (@salt-ds/core) ### Package version(s) _No response_ ### Description Not on spec, readonly checkbox **&** checkbox ~~shouldn't have a background~~ should reference a new readonly token. https://www.figma.com/file/hWEpxUvJlNV6xy9pVDgxGT/Checkbox?type=design&node-id=1%3A52295&mode=design&t=wQRY8yS8Uu8y02FE-1...

type: bug 🪲
status: awaiting triage
component: checkbox
component: radio button

Two possible approaches - ~~Add text to StatusIndicator? #3311~~ - Add color option to Text and Icon? Action: - Salt 1.0 theme - Add a new orange-850: # C7350D (nudged...

role: dev 💻
role: design 🎨
priority: high 😡
adopter: pepper

Hopefully this helps reducing some of randomly changed snapshots Didn't change anything, not sure why.

### Area Documentation ### The problem There is no example showing how multi select readonly would look and function on the website ### The solution Add example ### Alternatives and...

type: enhancement 💡
status: awaiting triage
component: combo box