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Apache Spark datasource for OrientDB


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Apache Spark datasource for OrientDB

OrientDB documentation

Here is the latest documentation on OrientDB


Spark: 1.6+ OrientDB: 2.2.0+

Getting Started

  • Add the repository

For Spark 1.6

  • Add the datasource as a maven dependency

For Spark 2.0

  • Add the datasource as a maven dependency

For Spark 2.1


For Spark 2.2


Scala api

OrientDB Documents

Write api:

import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext

val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc)
sqlContext.createDataFrame(sc.parallelize(Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)), 
      StructType(Seq(StructField("id", IntegerType)))
      .option("dburl", ORIENTDB_CONNECTION_URL)
      .option("user", ORIENTDB_USER).option("password", ORIENTDB_PASSWORD)
      .option("class", test_table)

Read api:

import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext

val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc)
val loadedDf =
      .option("dburl", ORIENTDB_CONNECTION_URL)
      .option("user", ORIENTDB_USER)
      .option("password", ORIENTDB_PASSWORD)
      .option("class", test_table)
      .option("query", s"select * from $test_table where teststring = 'asdf'")

Query using OrientDB SQL:

import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext

val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc)
val loadedDf =
      .option("dburl", ORIENTDB_CONNECTION_URL)
      .option("user", ORIENTDB_USER)
      .option("password", ORIENTDB_PASSWORD)
      .option("class", test_table)
      .option("query", s"select * from $test_table where teststring = 'asdf'")

Support for Embedded Types( Since Spark 2.1 release):

val testSchemaForEmbeddedUDTs: StructType = {
      StructField("embeddedlist", EmbeddedListType),
      StructField("embeddedset", EmbeddedSetType),
      StructField("embeddedmap", EmbeddedMapType)
val expectedDataForEmbeddedUDTs: Seq[Row] = Seq(
    Row(EmbeddedList(Array(1, 1.toByte, true, TestUtils.toDate(2015, 6, 1), 1234152.12312498,
      1.0f, 42, 1239012341823719L, 23.toShort, "Unicode's樂趣",
      TestUtils.toTimestamp(2015, 6, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1))),
      EmbeddedSet(Array(1, 1.toByte, true, TestUtils.toDate(2015, 6, 1), 1234152.12312498,
        1.0f, 42, 1239012341823719L, 23.toShort, "Unicode's樂趣",
        TestUtils.toTimestamp(2015, 6, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1))),
      EmbeddedMap(Map(1 -> 1, 2 -> 1.toByte, 3 -> true, 4 -> TestUtils.toDate(2015, 6, 1), 5 -> 1234152.12312498,
        6 -> 1.0f, 7 -> 42, 8 -> 1239012341823719L, 9 -> 23.toShort, 10 -> "Unicode's樂趣", 11 -> TestUtils.toTimestamp(2015, 6, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1))))

Support for Link Types( Since Spark 2.1 release):

val testSchemaForLinkUDTs: StructType = {
      StructField("linklist", LinkListType),
      StructField("linkset", LinkSetType),
      StructField("linkmap", LinkMapType),
      StructField("linkbag", LinkBagType)
val expectedDataForLinkUDTs: Seq[Row] = Seq(
    Row(LinkList(Array(oDocument1)), LinkSet(Array(oDocument1)), LinkMap(Map("1" -> oDocument1)), LinkBag(Array(oRid1))),
    Row(LinkList(Array(oDocument2)), LinkSet(Array(oDocument2)), LinkMap(Map("1" -> oDocument2)), LinkBag(Array(oRid2))),
    Row(LinkList(Array(oDocument3)), LinkSet(Array(oDocument3)), LinkMap(Map("1" -> oDocument3)), LinkBag(Array(oRid3))),
    Row(LinkList(Array(oDocument4)), LinkSet(Array(oDocument4)), LinkMap(Map("1" -> oDocument4)), LinkBag(Array(oRid4))),
    Row(LinkList(Array(oDocument5)), LinkSet(Array(oDocument5)), LinkMap(Map("1" -> oDocument5)), LinkBag(Array(oRid5)))

OrientDB Graphs:

Create Vertex api:

import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext

val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc)
sqlContext.createDataFrame(sc.parallelize(Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)),
      StructType(Seq(StructField("id", IntegerType)))
      .option("dburl", ORIENTDB_CONNECTION_URL)
      .option("user", ORIENTDB_USER)
      .option("password", ORIENTDB_PASSWORD)
      .option("vertextype", test_vertex_type2)

Create Edge api:

import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext

val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc)
            Row(1, 2, "friends"),
            Row(2, 3, "enemy"),
            Row(3, 4, "friends"),
            Row(4, 1, "enemy")
            StructField("src", IntegerType),
            StructField("dst", IntegerType),
            StructField("relationship", StringType)
      .option("dburl", ORIENTDB_CONNECTION_URL)
      .option("user", ORIENTDB_USER)
      .option("password", ORIENTDB_PASSWORD)
      .option("vertextype", test_vertex_type2)
      .option("edgetype", test_edge_type2)

Read Vertex api:

import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext

val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc)
val loadedDf =
                    .option("dburl", ORIENTDB_CONNECTION_URL)
                    .option("user", ORIENTDB_USER)
                    .option("password", ORIENTDB_PASSWORD)
                    .option("vertextype", test_vertex_type2)

Read edge api:

import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext

val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc)
val loadedDf =
                   .option("dburl", ORIENTDB_CONNECTION_URL)
                   .option("user", ORIENTDB_USER)
                   .option("password", ORIENTDB_PASSWORD)
                   .option("edgetype", test_edge_type2)

Query using OrientDB Graph SQL:

import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext

val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc)
val loadedVerticesDf =
                 .option("dburl", ORIENTDB_CONNECTION_URL)
                 .option("user", ORIENTDB_USER)
                 .option("password", ORIENTDB_PASSWORD)
                 .option("vertextype", test_vertex_type2)
                 .option("query", s"select * from $test_vertex_type2 where teststring = 'asdf'")
val loadedEdgesDf =
                 .option("dburl", ORIENTDB_CONNECTION_URL)
                 .option("user", ORIENTDB_USER)
                 .option("password", ORIENTDB_PASSWORD)
                 .option("edgetype", test_edge_type2)
                 .option("query", s"select * from $test_edge_type2 where relationship = 'friends'")

Support for embedded types & link types( Since Spark 2.1 release)

The Spark UDTs are available for OrientDB Graph datasource as well. Usage is very similar to the ones documented for OrientDB Document datasource. Examples can be found in Integration tests.

Integration with GraphFrames

import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext

val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc)
val loadedVerticesDf =
                 .option("dburl", ORIENTDB_CONNECTION_URL)
                 .option("user", ORIENTDB_USER)
                 .option("password", ORIENTDB_PASSWORD)
                 .option("vertextype", test_vertex_type2)
                 .option("query", s"select * from $test_vertex_type2 where teststring = 'asdf'")
val loadedEdgesDf =
                 .option("dburl", ORIENTDB_CONNECTION_URL)
                 .option("user", ORIENTDB_USER)
                 .option("password", ORIENTDB_PASSWORD)
                 .option("edgetype", test_edge_type2)
                 .option("query", s"select * from $test_edge_type2 where relationship = 'friends'")
val g = GraphFrame(loadedVerticesDf, loadedEdgesDf)                 

A full example can be found in directory src/main/examples