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Default string whitespace error
Version Information
orientdb: 3.0.20 orientjs: 3.0.5 node: v10
Throws an error when the default value of a string field contains white space
Steps to reproduce
const DB_NAME = 'test_whitespace_bug';
const cleanup = async (server, conf) => {
await server.dropDatabase({
name: DB_NAME,
username: conf.DBS_USER,
password: conf.DBS_PASS
await server.close();
const test = async (conf) => {
const server = await OrientDBClient.connect({
host: conf.DB_HOST,
port: conf.DB_PORT
await server.createDatabase({
name: DB_NAME,
username: conf.DBS_USER,
password: conf.DBS_PASS
const db = await server.session({
name: DB_NAME,
username: conf.DBS_USER,
password: conf.DBS_PASS
// create the class
const dbClass = await db.class.create('whitespace', 'V');
try {
// create the string property and default
await dbClass.property.create({
name: 'name',
type: 'string',
default: 'some string with whitespace'
} catch (err) {
await cleanup(server, conf);
throw err;
await cleanup(server, conf);
the error observed was as follows
{ OrientDB.RequestError: Error parsing query:
ALTER PROPERTY whitespace.name DEFAULT some string with whitespace
Encountered " <IDENTIFIER> "string "" at line 1, column 45.
Was expecting one of:
";" ...
DB name="test_whitespace_bug"
Error Code="1"
at child.Operation.parseError (/home/creisle/git/knowledgebase/knowledgebase_api/node_modules/orientjs/lib/client/network/protocol37/operation.js:1224:13)
at child.Operation.consume (/home/creisle/git/knowledgebase/knowledgebase_api/node_modules/orientjs/lib/client/network/protocol37/operation.js:566:35)
at ONetworkConnection.Connection.process (/home/creisle/git/knowledgebase/knowledgebase_api/node_modules/orientjs/lib/client/network/conn.js:462:17)
at ONetworkConnection.Connection.handleSocketData (/home/creisle/git/knowledgebase/knowledgebase_api/node_modules/orientjs/lib/client/network/conn.js:344:20)
at Socket.emit (events.js:182:13)
at addChunk (_stream_readable.js:283:12)
at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:264:11)
at Socket.Readable.push (_stream_readable.js:219:10)
at TCP.onStreamRead [as onread] (internal/stream_base_commons.js:94:17)
name: 'OrientDB.RequestError',
'Error parsing query:\nALTER PROPERTY whitespace.name DEFAULT some string with whitespace\n ^\nEncountered " <IDENTIFIER> "string "" at line 1, column 45.\nWas expecting one of:\n <EOF> \n ";" ...\n \r\n\tDB name="test_whitespace_bug"\r\n\tError Code="1"',
data: {},
isMVCC: [Function],
isTokenException: [Function],
previous: [],
code: 1,
identifier: 0,
id: 1,
hasMore: 0 }