hawk copied to clipboard
Native method not found: com.facebook.crypto.cipher.NativeGCMCipher.nativeEncryptInit
I have run into this error many times in the production, not once in development.
Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Native method not found: com.facebook.crypto.cipher.NativeGCMCipher.nativeEncryptInit
My Proguard rules contains
-keepclasseswithmembernames class * {
native <methods>;
So I wonder why this error still taking place, mostly on 4.4 devices, any help?
This is definitely related to Conceal, I'll check if they have anything with the new version.
I met another issue like this. Caused by: No implementation found for native Lcom/facebook/crypto/cipher/NativeGCMCipher;.nativeDecryptInit:([B[B)I java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Native method not found: com.facebook.crypto.cipher.NativeGCMCipher.nativeDecryptInit:([B[B)I On 4.4 devices Could you help me?
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: No implementation found for int com.facebook.crypto.cipher.NativeGCMCipher.d(byte[], byte[]) (tried Java_com_facebook_crypto_cipher_NativeGCMCipher_d and Java_com_facebook_crypto_cipher_NativeGCMCipher_d___3B_3B)
Same problem, android 7.1.1 and Hawk in version 2.0.1
com.facebook.crypto.cipher.NativeGCMCipher.nativeDecryptInit NativeGCMCipher.java, line -2
Same Problem , do not konw how to solve it
Im also facing this problem
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: No implementation found for int com.facebook.crypto.cipher.NativeGCMCipher.n(byte[], byte[]) (tried Java_com_facebook_crypto_cipher_NativeGCMCipher_n and Java_com_facebook_crypto_cipher_NativeGCMCipher_n___3B_3B)