orgzly-android copied to clipboard
New line after PROPERTIES entry
When I modify using Orgzly a file where some outlines have :PROPERTIES: entries, the modified file gets an empty line after the properties' block :END: keyword. This applies to all properties blocks in the file, even outside of the edited outline.
There are some other similar bug reports, but regarding empty lines added before/after outline titles. And, if the standard answer to those is that there is an option to control wither empty lines are added around titles, there is no such option for other entries like properties blocks.
In a general manner, I agree with the comments found in this kind of bug report / suggestion: Orgzly should leave everything in the file unchanged, but the user's modifications. Moreover, Orgzly should not change anything in the outlines that were not subject to the user's modifications.
"Separate header and content" option affects this.
Properties and planning times are consider part of the header, everything else is "content".
Thank you for your answer. I have the "separate header and content" option unchecked already. But that doesn't prevent Orgzly from adding the empty line after the PROPERTIES block. But as you tagged my issue as a "bug", maybe you got that already.
I have the "separate header and content" option unchecked already. But that doesn't prevent Orgzly from adding the empty line after the PROPERTIES block.
I can't seem to reproduce this. Can you send a small sample snippet of a note (and one before/after it) in org format for which this happens?
For example:
* New line after PROPERTIES entry (issue #619)
** Note with properties and content
:CREATED: [2019-11-05 Tue 10:57]
Content right below properties.
** Note with properties and NO content
:CREATED: [2019-11-05 Tue 10:57]
** Next note
Last note
When I export this with "Separate header and content" turned off I get the same output with one difference:
** Next note
Last note
But as you tagged my issue as a "bug", maybe you got that already.
This is done automatically depending on what you choose on But it does sound like a bug.
Ok, I got it. Consider the following:
* New line after PROPERTIES entry (issue #619)
** Note with properties and subsections as content
:CREATED: [2019-11-05 Tue 10:57]
*** Subsection 1
On syncing, Orgzly will add en empty line between the PROPERTIES block
and this section's heading.
*** Subsection 2
Some content.
** Note with no properties, only subsections as content
*** Subsection 1
On sinking, Orgzly will not add any empty line before this section's heading.
*** Subsection 2
Some content.
*** Subsection 1
On syncing, Orgzly will add en empty line between the PROPERTIES block
and this section's heading.
This whole thing is considered a note in Orgzly, so the app is basically separating notes with a new-line. Which is what "Separate notes with an empty line" controls. You could set it to "Never".
Thank you fr your answer and suggestion... but, sorry, no...
My original file is:
* New line after PROPERTIES entry (issue #619)
** Note with properties and subsections as content
:CREATED: [2019-11-05 Tue 10:57]
*** Subsection 1
Some content.
*** Subsection 2
Some content.
** Note with no properties, only subsections as content
*** Subsection 1
Some content.
*** Subsection 2
Some content.
and I want to keep it like this.
If I set "Separate notes with an empty line" to "Multiline notes only", on syncing, I end up with (note the new empty line after the PROPERTIES block):
* New line after PROPERTIES entry (issue #619)
** Note with properties and subsections as content
:CREATED: [2019-11-05 Tue 10:57]
*** Subsection 1
Some content.
*** Subsection 2
Some content.
** Note with no properties, only subsections as content
*** Subsection 1
Some content.
*** Subsection 2
Some content.
If I set "Separate notes with an empty line" to "Never", on syncing, I end up with (all empty lines suppressed):
* New line after PROPERTIES entry (issue #619)
** Note with properties and subsections as content
:CREATED: [2019-11-05 Tue 10:57]
*** Subsection 1
Some content.
*** Subsection 2
Some content.
** Note with no properties, only subsections as content
*** Subsection 1
Some content.
*** Subsection 2
Some content.
This may look pedantic, but I want to keep things as I like it, as I write them with my little fingers using Emacs:
- no empty line between outline and outline of the next level, it the former has no content,
- no empty line after PROPERTIES block, if what follows is an outline of the next level,
- empty lines before outline, when it follows some text under the previous outline of sane level.
Why does Orzly have to reformat everything, and not stick to what it finds in the input file? (ok, I know what a parser is, but here you deal with human written text which may not stick to a fixed syntax...) This leads me to avoid modifying some of my files at all cost, so I don't have to reformat everything back in Emacs...
Why does Orzly have to reformat everything, and not stick to what it finds in the input file? (ok, I know what a parser is, but here you deal with human written text which may not stick to a fixed syntax...)
It uses a set of rules, like the ones you listed that you use, when generating the file from data stored database. More preferences to cover them all are obviously needed.
Hey, I also noted this behaviour with "Seperate notes with an empty line" set to "Multiline notes only". I second @fgilbert68's wish and would be happy to see a fix!
I usually don't add blank lines between notes without content, even if the upper note has properties. Syncing to Android and then editing with Orgzly breaks this for me. I had expected the setting to only apply to notes with content. So that a heading (note) with properties, but without content [with a next heading (note) following directly afterwards] would not get a newline appended by Orgzly.
If other people do usually put a blank line after properties in org mode, maybe it would help to add another choice for the "Seperate notes with an empty line" setting for our use case? Like "Notes with non-empty content only"?