swift-org icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
swift-org copied to clipboard

org-mode with swift

#+TITLE: SwiftOrg

  • org-mode Parser for Swift

    [[https://travis-ci.org/xiaoxinghu/swift-org.svg?branch=master]] [[https://img.shields.io/github/license/mashape/apistatus.svg?maxAge=2592000]] [[https://img.shields.io/badge/Carthage-compatible-4BC51D.svg?style=flat]] [[https://img.shields.io/github/release/xiaoxinghu/swift-org.svg?maxAge=2592000]]

    [[http://orgmode.org/][org-mode]] is awesome. This is the first step to bring it to iOS, (arguably) the most popular platform on the planet.

  • Usage An simple example will explain everything.

    #+BEGIN_SRC swift import SwiftOrg

    let lines = [ "* TODO head line", " A normal line here.", ] let parser = OrgParser() let doc = try parser.parse(lines: lines) #+END_SRC

  • Supported Syntax (so far) [17/19] ** DONE Affiliated Keywords (aka In Buffer Settings) CLOSED: [2016-09-03 Sat 12:47]

    #+BEGIN_SRC org #+TITLE: Hello World #+OPTIONS: Hello World #+END_SRC

** DONE Headlines CLOSED: [2016-09-03 Sat 12:47] #+BEGIN_SRC org

  • Head Line 1
  • Head Line 2 ** Head Line 2.1 *** Head Line 2.1.1 #+END_SRC

** DONE TODO Keywords CLOSED: [2016-12-31 Sat 14:12] #+BEGIN_SRC org ,#+TODO: TODO NEXT | DONE

 ,* TODO Head Line 1
 ,* NEXT Head Line 2
 ,** DONE Head Line 2.1
    CLOSED: [2016-12-31 Sat 14:12]


** DONE [#A] Priority CLOSED: [2016-09-30 Fri 12:17] #+BEGIN_SRC org ,* TODO [#A] Top Priority Task ,* [#B] Medium Priority Item ,* TODO [#c] Low Priority Task ,* TODO [#D] No Priority Task #+END_SRC

** DONE Tags CLOSED: [2016-09-30 Fri 14:52]

#+BEGIN_SRC org ,* Section with One Tag :tag1: ,* Section with multiple tags :tag1:tag2:tag3: #+END_SRC

** DONE Planning CLOSED: [2017-01-09 Mon 16:09]

#+BEGIN_SRC org ,* DONE Closed task CLOSED: [2017-01-09 Mon 15:58]

 ,* Scheduled task
   SCHEDULED: <2017-01-09 Mon>

 ,* TODO task that has a deadline
   DEADLINE: <2017-01-16 Mon +1w>


** DONE Paragraph CLOSED: [2016-09-03 Sat 12:47] Lines without line breaker becomes a paragraph.

** DONE Emphasis CLOSED: [2016-09-03 Sat 12:47] #+BEGIN_SRC org bold /italic/ underlined =verbatim= ~code~ +strike-through+ #+END_SRC

** DONE Link CLOSED: [2016-09-03 Sat 12:47] #+BEGIN_SRC org [[google][https://www.google.com]] #+END_SRC

** DONE List CLOSED: [2016-09-03 Sat 12:47] #+BEGIN_SRC org

ordered list

  1. first
  1. second
  1. 3rd

unordered list

  • item
  • item
  • item

nested list

  • item
    1. sub item
    1. sub item
  • item #+END_SRC

** DONE Horizontal rules CLOSED: [2016-09-03 Sat 12:47] #+BEGIN_SRC org Above.

Below #+END_SRC

** DONE Comment CLOSED: [2016-09-03 Sat 12:47] #+BEGIN_SRC org

This is a comment.

#This is a regular line. #+END_SRC

** DONE Blocks CLOSED: [2016-09-03 Sat 12:47] #+BEGIN_SRC org ,#+BEGIN_SRC javascript Console.log("Hello Org.") ,#+END_SRC

,#+BEGIN_QUOTE Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not any simpler -- Albert Einstein ,#+END_QUOTE #+END_SRC

** DONE Drawer CLOSED: [2016-09-20 Tue 22:38] :PROPERTIES: :END:

Drawer for headlines.

#+BEGIN_SRC org ,* WAITING Talk to Jake :PROPERTIES: :CATEGORY: personal :END: :LOGBOOK: - State "WAITING" from "TODO" [2016-09-20 Tue 22:41] \ waiting for call from Jake :END: #+END_SRC

** DONE Footnote CLOSED: [2016-09-27 Tue 21:24] #+BEGIN_SRC org This is a footnote right here[fn:1]. And this is the rest.

[fn:1] The content of the footnote here. #+END_SRC

** DONE Checkbox CLOSED: [2016-09-27 Tue 21:28] Checkboxes in list items. #+BEGIN_SRC org - [X] item one checked - [-] item two not checked - [ ] item three not checked #+END_SRC

** DONE Table CLOSED: [2017-01-31 Tue 20:15] #+BEGIN_SRC org | Name | Species | Gender | Role | |--------------+------------+--------+--------------| | Bruce Wayne | Human | M | Batman | | Clark Kent | Kryptonian | M | Superman | | Diana Prince | Amazonian | F | Wonder Woman | #+END_SRC

** TODO Clock

** TODO Attachments

  • [#c] Maybe? [0/2]

    • [ ] Latex Support
    • [ ] Macros
  • TODO Performance Test

  • Contribute SwiftOrg is written in Swift 3. So you need xcode 8 to be able to build it. ** Setup #+BEGIN_SRC bash ./bin/setup ./bin/test #+END_SRC ** TODO Release To bump up version number. #+BEGIN_SRC sh :results silent agvtool new-marketing-version 0.7.9 sed -i.bak "s/s.version = .*/s.version = '0.7.9'/" SwiftOrg.podspec #+END_SRC

  • License Carthage is released under the [[https://github.com/xiaoxinghu/swift-org/blob/master/LICENSE][MIT LIcense]].