org-roam-ui icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
org-roam-ui copied to clipboard

Application error: a client-side exception has occurred (developer guidance).

Open colawithsauce opened this issue 3 years ago • 19 comments


In *httpd* buffer, I get:

(stop "Fri Aug 13 08:27:43 2021")
(start "Fri Aug 13 08:27:45 2021")
 (date "Fri, 13 Aug 2021 03:57:46 GMT")
 (address "")
 (get "/sw.js")
  ("GET" "/sw.js" "HTTP/1.1")
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  ("Accept" "*/*")
  ("Service-Worker" "script")
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  ("Sec-Fetch-Mode" "same-origin")
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  ("Referer" "http://localhost:35901/")
  ("Accept-Encoding" "gzip, deflate, br")
  ("Accept-Language" "en-US,en;q=0.9")
  ("If-None-Match" "\"7f5c2115c2377148\"")
  ("If-Modified-Since" "Thu, 12 Aug 2021 17:34:28 GMT")
  ("Content" "")))
(file "/home/colawithsauce/.emacs.d/.local/straight/build-28.0.50/org-roam-ui/out/sw.js" not-modified)
 (date "Fri, 13 Aug 2021 03:57:46 GMT")
 (address "")
 (get "/workbox-ea903bce.js")
  ("GET" "/workbox-ea903bce.js" "HTTP/1.1")
  ("Host" "localhost:35901")
  ("Connection" "keep-alive")
  ("Cache-Control" "max-age=0")
  ("User-Agent" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/93.0.4577.25 Safari/537.36")
  ("Accept" "*/*")
  ("Sec-Fetch-Site" "same-origin")
  ("Sec-Fetch-Mode" "no-cors")
  ("Sec-Fetch-Dest" "script")
  ("Referer" "http://localhost:35901/sw.js")
  ("Accept-Encoding" "gzip, deflate, br")
  ("Accept-Language" "en-US,en;q=0.9")
  ("If-None-Match" "\"79cad6c0758a52dd\"")
  ("If-Modified-Since" "Thu, 12 Aug 2021 17:34:28 GMT")
  ("Content" "")))
(file "/home/colawithsauce/.emacs.d/.local/straight/build-28.0.50/org-roam-ui/out/workbox-ea903bce.js" not-modified)
 (date "Fri, 13 Aug 2021 03:57:46 GMT")
 (address "")
 (get "/_next/static/chunks/4.2dee5d830195ddd06029.js")
  ("GET" "/_next/static/chunks/4.2dee5d830195ddd06029.js" "HTTP/1.1")
  ("Host" "localhost:35901")
  ("Connection" "keep-alive")
  ("Pragma" "no-cache")
  ("Cache-Control" "no-cache")
  ("User-Agent" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/93.0.4577.25 Safari/537.36")
  ("Accept" "*/*")
  ("Sec-Fetch-Site" "same-origin")
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  ("Referer" "http://localhost:35901/sw.js")
  ("Accept-Encoding" "gzip, deflate, br")
  ("Accept-Language" "en-US,en;q=0.9")
  ("Content" "")))
(error 404 nil)
(stop "Fri Aug 13 08:30:24 2021")
(start "Fri Aug 13 08:30:26 2021")
(connection "")
 (date "Fri, 13 Aug 2021 04:00:29 GMT")
 (address "")
 (get "/sw.js")
  ("GET" "/sw.js" "HTTP/1.1")
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  ("Accept" "*/*")
  ("Service-Worker" "script")
  ("Sec-Fetch-Site" "same-origin")
  ("Sec-Fetch-Mode" "same-origin")
  ("Sec-Fetch-Dest" "serviceworker")
  ("Referer" "http://localhost:35901/")
  ("Accept-Encoding" "gzip, deflate, br")
  ("Accept-Language" "en-US,en;q=0.9")
  ("If-None-Match" "\"7f5c2115c2377148\"")
  ("If-Modified-Since" "Thu, 12 Aug 2021 17:34:28 GMT")
  ("Content" "")))
(file "/home/colawithsauce/.emacs.d/.local/straight/build-28.0.50/org-roam-ui/out/sw.js" not-modified)
 (date "Fri, 13 Aug 2021 04:00:29 GMT")
 (address "")
 (get "/workbox-ea903bce.js")
  ("GET" "/workbox-ea903bce.js" "HTTP/1.1")
  ("Host" "localhost:35901")
  ("Connection" "keep-alive")
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  ("Accept" "*/*")
  ("Sec-Fetch-Site" "same-origin")
  ("Sec-Fetch-Mode" "no-cors")
  ("Sec-Fetch-Dest" "script")
  ("Referer" "http://localhost:35901/sw.js")
  ("Accept-Encoding" "gzip, deflate, br")
  ("Accept-Language" "en-US,en;q=0.9")
  ("If-None-Match" "\"79cad6c0758a52dd\"")
  ("If-Modified-Since" "Thu, 12 Aug 2021 17:34:28 GMT")
  ("Content" "")))
(file "/home/colawithsauce/.emacs.d/.local/straight/build-28.0.50/org-roam-ui/out/workbox-ea903bce.js" not-modified)
 (date "Fri, 13 Aug 2021 04:00:29 GMT")
 (address "")
 (get "/_next/static/chunks/4.2dee5d830195ddd06029.js")
  ("GET" "/_next/static/chunks/4.2dee5d830195ddd06029.js" "HTTP/1.1")
  ("Host" "localhost:35901")
  ("Connection" "keep-alive")
  ("Pragma" "no-cache")
  ("Cache-Control" "no-cache")
  ("User-Agent" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/93.0.4577.25 Safari/537.36")
  ("Accept" "*/*")
  ("Sec-Fetch-Site" "same-origin")
  ("Sec-Fetch-Mode" "cors")
  ("Sec-Fetch-Dest" "empty")
  ("Referer" "http://localhost:35901/sw.js")
  ("Accept-Encoding" "gzip, deflate, br")
  ("Accept-Language" "en-US,en;q=0.9")
  ("Content" "")))
(error 404 nil)


  1. emacs-version: 28.0.50, doom-emacs develop branch.
  2. Distro: Archlinux
  3. DE: Gnome40

colawithsauce avatar Aug 13 '21 04:08 colawithsauce

I also encountered the same error; it only happens when I toggle to 3d though. I just turned it off and it went back to normal. I'm in Macos Catalina, Emacs v27.2, Firefox v91

baconnette avatar Aug 13 '21 05:08 baconnette

I have the same issue of (error 404 nil). and there is nothing shown in the browser but black page.

MingleiYang avatar Aug 14 '21 11:08 MingleiYang

This is a common problem and totally our bad! Please go to either Application > Local Storage or Storage > Local Storage in your Devtools (opened by pressing Ctrl+Shift+I or F12) and delete all the keys you find there. This will reset your settings but should solve your problem.

tefkah avatar Aug 15 '21 20:08 tefkah

This is a common problem and totally our bad! Please go to either Application > Local Storage or Storage > Local Storage in your Devtools (opened by pressing Ctrl+Shift+I or F12) and delete all the keys you find there. This will reset your settings but should solve your problem.

To me the error persists even after cleaning storage. Tried recompiling the package a few days ago and no success.


emacs-version: 27.2, doom-emacs develop branch.
Distro: Manjaro

sergiotaerri avatar Aug 18 '21 11:08 sergiotaerri

To me the error persists even after cleaning storage. Tried recompiling the package a few days ago and no success.

Has org-roam-ui worked for you in the past?

tefkah avatar Aug 18 '21 13:08 tefkah

To me the error persists even after cleaning storage. Tried recompiling the package a few days ago and no success.

Has org-roam-ui worked for you in the past?

Yes, It started to present this error after I did a doom upgrade this weekend.

sergiotaerri avatar Aug 18 '21 16:08 sergiotaerri

That is very unfortunate, sorry! You mentioned you tried recompiling, did that include pulling the latest version? Else I'm not really sure what could be wrong short of

  • You not running org-roam-ui-mode
  • Not having deleted all the keys
  • Somehow pulling a bad commit

Could you show me the console log of your browser?

tefkah avatar Aug 18 '21 16:08 tefkah

Of course, the package is great so there's no need to be sorry! The recipe on my packages.el looks right, but I haven't checked the actual package folder in my machine to double check the version yet. Regardless, here's the log:

localhost/:1 GET http://localhost:35901/_next/static/r6rkJJOuqyQnmFLmB7qNo/_buildManifest.js net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found)
localhost/:1 GET http://localhost:35901/_next/static/r6rkJJOuqyQnmFLmB7qNo/_ssgManifest.js net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found)
localhost/:1 GET http://localhost:35901/_next/static/chunks/661-90187de4aa66e1891621.js net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found)
localhost/:1 GET http://localhost:35901/_next/static/chunks/pages/_app-803053ad060c5bee8d21.js net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found)
localhost/:1 GET http://localhost:35901/_next/static/chunks/pages/index-71a61839b1442c74b04b.js net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found)
localhost/:1 GET http://localhost:35901/_next/static/chunks/main-07c09d7ebdafc5ed9a99.js net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found)

Here's also the network screen:


sergiotaerri avatar Aug 18 '21 16:08 sergiotaerri

Same error!

jueqingsizhe66 avatar Aug 20 '21 16:08 jueqingsizhe66

These issues all seem to have to do with the service worker. I have removed it (I added it for possible PWA support but it was not as straightforward as I'd hoped) so this might be fixed. However, pulling a new version probably won't remove the old service worker. Please open the Developer Options (Ctrl + Shift + I) on the page and go to "Storage > Cache Storage" on firefox and delete everything there, or "Application > Cache > Cache Storage" on Chromium and delete everything there.

Please upgrade to the latest version before you do this, otherwise ORUI will just add another service worker (although that will probably still resolve the issue, but only temporarily)

tefkah avatar Aug 20 '21 17:08 tefkah

it works in firefox, thanks for sharing.

jueqingsizhe66 avatar Aug 21 '21 07:08 jueqingsizhe66

These issues all seem to have to do with the service worker. I have removed it (I added it for possible PWA support but it was not as straightforward as I'd hoped) so this might be fixed. However, pulling a new version probably won't remove the old service worker. Please open the Developer Options (Ctrl + Shift + I) on the page and go to "Storage > Cache Storage" on firefox and delete everything there, or "Application > Cache > Cache Storage" on Chromium and delete everything there.

Please upgrade to the latest version before you do this, otherwise ORUI will just add another service worker (although that will probably still resolve the issue, but only temporarily)

Got same issue in Windows. My Edge "Application > Cache > Cache Storage" contained only one item and nothing changed after I deleted it.

My ORUI worked fine before I did an upgrade yesterday (haven't done so a few weeks).

pinacle2000 avatar Aug 24 '21 08:08 pinacle2000

These issues all seem to have to do with the service worker. I have removed it (I added it for possible PWA support but it was not as straightforward as I'd hoped) so this might be fixed. However, pulling a new version probably won't remove the old service worker. Please open the Developer Options (Ctrl + Shift + I) on the page and go to "Storage > Cache Storage" on firefox and delete everything there, or "Application > Cache > Cache Storage" on Chromium and delete everything there. Please upgrade to the latest version before you do this, otherwise ORUI will just add another service worker (although that will probably still resolve the issue, but only temporarily)

Got same issue in Windows. My Edge "Application > Cache > Cache Storage" contained only one item and nothing changed after I deleted it.

My ORUI worked fine before I did an upgrade yesterday (haven't done so a few weeks).

The issue is gone after I upgraded the package today.

pinacle2000 avatar Sep 16 '21 10:09 pinacle2000

Great to hear that! I tried to fix this issue but forgot to tag it, glad to see it worked!

tefkah avatar Sep 16 '21 12:09 tefkah

Screenshot_20210927_170158 Hi, I also seem to get the same errors. I have been trying to make it work with doom emacs (haven't been able to make it work yet, I started trying a few days ago). I'm loading org-roam v2 with doom, and unpin it before ORUI package declaration. Error seems to be the same for me, whether it be firefox or chromium. The http buffer also has (error 404 nil) as reply for the request for those files.

I tried with different ORUI commits, but no luck so far. I have been following the instructions, so I don't know if there's something wrong with my config or not.

RobinKD avatar Sep 27 '21 15:09 RobinKD

Hmm this seems related to the #91, have you tried the latest commit?

tefkah avatar Sep 28 '21 10:09 tefkah

I just ran into this same error, when I tried to turn on 3D mode just for fun (which I have never done before).

I tried deleting the Chromium cache as recommended but it did not help. This is with the latest commit pulled just today. But I also don't know if it is still trying to open the graph in 3D mode - I want to go back to 2D but the web interface where I toggle this doesn't work. Is there anywhere else I can flick that switch?

thriveth avatar Oct 10 '21 12:10 thriveth

It works fine when I use a different browser, but then my UI settings are gone. Is it perhaps possible to switch off the 3d viewing manually somewhere without losing all my graph settings?

thriveth avatar Oct 10 '21 12:10 thriveth

OK, I found it myself, so for posterity: I opened Developer Tools with C-S-i, then navigated to Application > Local Storage or Storage > Local Storage > http://localhost:35901. In the bottom of the table there, there is a row which said 3d | true which I manually changed to "false", then reloaded the page, and it worked again.


thriveth avatar Oct 10 '21 12:10 thriveth