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[Request] VIM: load tags from predefined folder

Open ianliu opened this issue 14 years ago • 0 comments

It would be nice if the Vim plugin loaded tags from a predefined folder and don't issue error message if the PYSMELLTAGS is missing. This way you can open a simple file inside your Desktop and have completions for all tags in that predefined folder.

I've written a patch which does this by defining another variable named g:pysmell_extradir which is searched for extra pysmell tags files.

diff -r 2ff3d6dee548 pysmell.vim
--- pysmell.vim Sat Feb 12 15:29:32 2011 -0200
+++ pysmell.vim Sun Feb 13 14:09:01 2011 -0200
@@ -32,9 +32,13 @@
 if !exists('g:pysmell_matcher')
     let g:pysmell_matcher='case-insensitive'
+if !exists('g:pysmell_extradir')
+    let g:pysmell_extradir=$HOME.'/.vim/python.tags.d'

 python << eopython
 from pysmell import vimhelper, idehelper
+from dircache import listdir
 import vim
 import string
 TRANSLATEQUOTES = string.maketrans("\'\"", "\"\'")
@@ -73,8 +77,12 @@
 def vimcompletePYSMELL(origSource, origLineNo, origCol, base):
     fullPath =
     PYSMELLDICT = idehelper.findPYSMELLDICT(fullPath)
+    extradir = vim.eval('g:pysmell_extradir')
     if not PYSMELLDICT:
-        vim.command("echoerr 'No PYSMELLTAGS found. You have to generate one.'")
+        PYSMELLDICT = {}
+    for tagsfile in listdir(extradir):
+        idehelper.tryReadPYSMELLDICT(extradir, tagsfile, PYSMELLDICT)
+    if len(PYSMELLDICT) == 0:


ianliu avatar Feb 13 '11 16:02 ianliu