color-tabs-vscode icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
color-tabs-vscode copied to clipboard

Changes the active tab background color based on an array of regex - perfect for working on monorepos or web+native repos


ColorTabs for vscode

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Title background

  • ColorTabs for vscode
    • Quick Usage
    • Extension Settings
    • Advanced Settings
    • What's new
    • Known Issues

Quick Usage

In the menu choose the folders you want to add/remove

Title label

Extension Settings

This extension contributes the following settings:

  • colorTabs.config: list of mappings from path to color
            "regex": ".*\/web\/.*"
            "regex": ".*\/mobile\/.*"
  • colorTabs.statusBarBackground: Enable statusBar background coloring. default to true
  • colorTabs.tabBorder: Enable tab border coloring. default to true
  • colorTabs.titleBackground: Enable title background coloring. default to false
  • colorTabs.activityBarBackground: Enable activityBar background coloring. default to false
  • colorTabs.titleLabel: Enable title label. default to false
  • colorTabs.ignoreCase: Ignore case while matching Regex. default to false

Advanced Settings

If you'd like to choose the colors yourself, and/or add a label (which is presented at the top window bar).
Note - you can mix the configuration, placing colors in some, and not in others. An advanced workspace.settings example :

"colorTabs.config": [
            "regex": ".*\/mobile\/.*",
            "color": "#FF0000",
            "label": "MOBILE"
            "regex": ".*\/web\/.*",
            "color": "#00FF00",
            "regex": ".*\/desktop\/.*"
"colorTabs.titleBackground": true    
"colorTabs.ignoreCase": true    

What's new

  • [0.12.0]

    • Ability to add/remove/clear the current file directly from the menu palette - PR #36
      Title label
  • [0.10.0]

    • Stop writing an empty object to settings when colorTabs doesn't find any regex mapping - PR #36
  • [0.9.0]

    • Added colorTabs.ignoreCase configuration, defaults to false - PR #29
      set colorTabs.ignoreCase to true in your workspace settings to get this new feature.
  • [0.8.0]

    • Introducing AutoColoring - You no longer need to provide a list of colors to map to, ColorTabs will generate consistent colors for your list of regular expressions. This configuration is enough:
        "colorTabs.config": [
                "regex": ".*/web/.*",
                "regex": ".*/mobile/.*",
  • [0.6.0]

    • ColorTabs now changes the color of your status bar (set to true by default) - PR #10.
      set colorTabs.statusBarBackground to true in your workspace settings to get this new feature.

    • ColorTabs can now change the color of your activity bar (Left side bar) - PR #10.
      set colorTabs.activityBarBackground to true in your workspace settings to get this new feature.

  • [0.5.0]

    • ColorTabs can now add a label to your title background as well - PR #4.
      set colorTabs.titleLabel to true in your workspace settings to get this new feature. Example (with mobile label): Title label
  • [0.4.4]

    • ColorTabs can now color your title background as well - PR #2.
      set colorTabs.titleBackground to true in your workspace settings to get this new feature. Example: Title background

Known Issues

  • This plugin writes to your vscode workspace settings.json, this means that it creates a git commit. To avoid pushing this change, you should have your .vscode directory in .gitignore. Currently writing to the settings.json is the only way to manipulate the colors in runtime.