ord copied to clipboard
I mint success but i cant find Satoshi Nakamoto in UniSat wallet, how can i do? Tks
I mint success with " ord wallet mint " command and this is balance info
but when i import my mnemonic to UniSat wallet ,it's show nothing .
how can i do , Tks
Hi vfeihuang - we have some instructions on the Ordicord at the following link: https://discord.com/channels/987504378242007100/1069465367988142110/1231116582651166720
Please utilize the Ordicord (https://discord.gg/EhzFG3GR) for any additional support questions you may have in the future.
OK ,tks a lot !
I have registered and learning with my pool english.
Tks camario30 , my problem is solved.
我是使用 ord 创建的钱包打的中本聪,如果不是,以下操作可能无效
1、打开 Unisat 钱包
2、点击右上角的按钮, 点击 + 号
3、点击 restore wallet from mnemonic ,点击最下面的 Other Wallet
4、输入你的助记词 下一步
5、找到 Custom Derivation Path 文本框,输入 m/86'/0'/0'/1
6、点击上面的按钮 Scan in more addresses ,可以看到有余额的地址出现,选择一个导入即可
This seems resolve. Please reopen if not.