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Allow dataurl in CSP-Origin for generated dom elements on /preview endpoint
It appears that the CSP policy here allows for 'data:' urls. https://github.com/ordinals/ord/blob/4990542ad063346f68312dab71ba88d3a2bb8ec5/src/subcommand/server.rs#L1369
But in practice it appears to fail if the data: url in question came from a DOM element created from a document/inscription served from /preview/... . The SAME interaction does work if served from /content/......
Example inscription: https://ordinals.com/content/666552489f01b1f478e28d7c34b601e50ac6ed2f9c2e75da1f6702016bf8e666i0 download interaction works https://ordinals.com/inscription/666552489f01b1f478e28d7c34b601e50ac6ed2f9c2e75da1f6702016bf8e666i0 download interaction does not work (click canvas/image, then click one of the download buttons)
The goal is for this to allow an easy way for someone to download the current canvas's image content with a code-specified filename.
Browser Error on interaction:
Content-Security-Policy: The page’s settings blocked the loading of a resource at … (“default-src”).
sample code from this interaction:
var image = cselect.toDataURL();
var dl = document.createElement('a'); //element sourced from /preview/ will fail, from /content/ will not
dl.download = 'Skullx Origins #' + tokenid + '.png'; //sets the download filename
dl.href = image;
dl.target = '_blank';
Possible Solution:
The CSP header returned to the browser is the same in both cases and looks like this:
default-src https://ordinals.com/content/ https://ordinals.com/blockheight https://ordinals.com/blockhash https://ordinals.com/blockhash/ https://ordinals.com/blocktime https://ordinals.com/r/ 'unsafe-eval' 'unsafe-inline' data: blob:
I believe the problem is that this does not include the preview url, and so dataurl content delivered in this manner may work if it were instead like this:
default-src https://ordinals.com/content/ https://ordinals.com/preview/ https://ordinals.com/blockheight https://ordinals.com/blockhash https://ordinals.com/blockhash/ https://ordinals.com/blocktime https://ordinals.com/r/ 'unsafe-eval' 'unsafe-inline' data: blob:
Just further context. This simple html also fails in /preview or /inscription but works in /content
<a href="" download="test.png" target="_blank">download</a>
Error: Content-Security-Policy: The page’s settings blocked the loading of a resource at … (“default-src”).
Easy to test by pasting into this inscription: https://ordinals.com/inscription/4cc26939b8c375b75d283c44c1c1a02f9b28a33417d233a9b8fccbc4482aa102i0