ord copied to clipboard
Inscription Verification Failed @ Cash App Talk
I'm attempting to inscribe after your talk at Cash App.
➜ ~ ord wallet inscribe --dry-run --commit-fee-rate 40 inscript.txt prod!
"commit": "10ddb130c704c4e5c83969935359a68b311d9dde8940e123dd970ffe46f2afed",
"inscription": "849716641fcb54803ea7deeb97253d6d9ab25f53bfad07d735006cad5bd6081di0",
"reveal": "849716641fcb54803ea7deeb97253d6d9ab25f53bfad07d735006cad5bd6081d",
"fees": 6299
➜ ~ ord wallet inscribe --commit-fee-rate 40 inscript.txt prod!
error: Failed to send reveal transaction
because: JSON-RPC error: RPC error response: RpcError { code: -26, message: "mempool min fee not met, 139 < 416", data: None }
~ ord wallet inscriptions prod!
➜ ~ ord wallet balance prod!
"cardinal": 0
➜ ~ ord wallet transactions prod!
"transaction": "04c6abb3b9c4cd68d172bb19a4688075d2015ef5e746b4eb548e15d2e26db9db",
"confirmations": 3
"transaction": "f2e58a1df3bb2cc12674966e09d627906eabeb718baf1cebf16e4b3a244247df",
"confirmations": 0
"transaction": "f2e58a1df3bb2cc12674966e09d627906eabeb718baf1cebf16e4b3a244247df",
"confirmations": 0
It seems that the error caused a duplicate entry in ord wallet transactions
➜ ~ cat inscript.txt prod!
➜ ~ bitcoin-cli getindexinfo prod!
"txindex": {
"synced": true,
"best_block_height": 779931
➜ ~ bitcoin-cli getblockchaininfo prod!
"chain": "main",
"blocks": 779931,
"headers": 779931,
"bestblockhash": "0000000000000000000049c5351a1676b4cce5b1113b5afbf2ef981cc79880e7",
"difficulty": 43053844193928.45,
"time": 1678310155,
"mediantime": 1678307775,
"verificationprogress": 0.9999984078372719,
"initialblockdownload": false,
"chainwork": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000421af5f1d60cdc4d2fc6eb70",
"size_on_disk": 525171705167,
"pruned": false,
"warnings": ""
Talking to Casey, we suspect that the bitcoin daemon not reaching verificationprogress
1.0 could be an issue
its just mempool min fee not met
current min fee is like 4 so you can braodcast commit but failed on reveal
use different fee rate is bad imo
because: JSON-RPC error: RPC error response: RpcError { code: -26, message: "mempool min fee not met, 139 < 416", data: None }
You need to set --fee-rate x
where x is greater than or equal to 416 divided by 139.
I personally recommend using ONLY fee-rate
(instead of commit-fee-rate
) unless your very specific use case requires commit transactions to process immediately (instead of in the same block as the reveal).
Talking to Casey, we suspect that the bitcoin daemon not reaching
1.0 could be an issue
Did you figure out how to get verificationprogress
1.0 ? Mine is also stuck at "verificationprogress": 0.9999978830321518