
Results 65 comments of orca-zhang

Windows 10(64位)系统,本地测试UAC默认级别,普通用户启动的exe可以正常解锁。 你的UAC级别提供一下,麻烦UnholdPEFile里的TerminateProcess加一下GetLastError,调试跟一下贴一下错误码,我晚点加上调试选项push新代码上来。

https://github.com/orca-zhang/borm/tree/sqlite 分支已全部支持


Thanks for your feedback.

I'll reproduce it and try to fix it.

I've used MacOS for several years and the disk is not as big to install a windows docker yet. BTW, I think I'm too lazy. But if you can donate...


> If you enable memory high address allocation - x64Call will crash I've tried to reproduce, but failed. Please give me more information about it. 1. exe linker param: PLATFORM...

OK, I'll check it.

The host binary is 64bit exe, and try to load 32bit dll into a 32 bit exe?