> Maybe type-safe function (not method) > > ```go > func Map[T, U any] (in *Pipe[T], cb func(T) U) (out *Pipe[U]) > ``` > > where `Pipe` is proposed object...
> @xakep666 the prototype you propose is the same than the current lo.Map, lo.Filter... functions. > > What should `Pipe[T]` do in your example? My thoughts for example ```go type...
> @xakep666 the prototype you propose is the same than the current lo.Map, lo.Filter... functions. > > What should `Pipe[T]` do in your example? just wrap slices with pipes, and...
> @xakep666 the prototype you propose is the same than the current lo.Map, lo.Filter... functions. > > What should `Pipe[T]` do in your example? Oh, I forget that a method...
> 1. 类似 #980 #960 > 2. f21563361b50441fb5d1407664f05df822f4ccdc 之前可能无法生成ocd文件 我用最新的commit 使用 s2t.json 未能复现。 > 3. 如果是用的3.2.11 版本的话,可能需要在其他平台重新生成ocd文件。 > 4. https://github.com/BYVoid/OpenCC/tree/master/data/dictionary https://github.com/BYVoid/OpenCC/blob/5750d92a92ac1f2d64c880c1f6f1a5e382d7d199/data/dictionary/STCharacters.txt#LL380C4-L380C4 注意我说的是特定地区的异体字,你需要对 `s2tw.json` 或 `s2hk.json` 做测试
> 嗯,看明白了。我用小狼毫也能复现这个问题。 可能是TWVariants.ocd2有问题,或者未被正确处理。 是这样的, 小狼毫上也有这个问题, 且经测试 opencc 本身没问题.
> 和这个很相似 [rime/home#501](https://github.com/rime/home/issues/501) 是一样的问题, 看来问题确实是出在 rime 上