ros_astra_camera copied to clipboard
depth point cloud not working
hi i am interfacing astra camera interface ubunt 18.04 ,when i am launch roslaunch astra_camera astra_pro.launch ,working fine when echo rostopic echo /camera/depth/points ,rviz get stuck and i did not get any point cloud value ,in previous version no issuses after updating launch file in latest version we facing the issues unsupported descriptor subtype VS_COLORFORMAT unsupported descriptor subtype VS_COLORFORMAT [ INFO] [1677244050.655502613]: open camera success [ INFO] [1677244050.655651931]: using default calibration URL [ INFO] [1677244050.655787459]: camera calibration URL: file:///home/fldec/.ros/camera_info/rgb_camera.yaml [ INFO] [1677244050.655984703]: Unable to open camera calibration file [/home/fldec/.ros/camera_info/rgb_camera.yaml] [ WARN] [1677244050.656062050]: Camera calibration file /home/fldec/.ros/camera_info/rgb_camera.yaml not found. [ INFO] [1677244051.462836965]: wait for device to be connected [ INFO] [1677244052.233839200]: using default calibration URL [ INFO] [1677244052.233935549]: camera calibration URL: file:///home/fldec/.ros/camera_info/ir_camera.yaml [ INFO] [1677244052.234007560]: Unable to open camera calibration file [/home/fldec/.ros/camera_info/ir_camera.yaml] [ WARN] [1677244052.234056340]: Camera calibration file /home/fldec/.ros/camera_info/ir_camera.yaml not found. [ INFO] [1677244052.234212716]: OBCameraNode initialized [ INFO] [1677244052.234266665]: Start device done [ INFO] [1677244077.110388817]: Image stream depth subscribed [ INFO] [1677244077.110471374]: Start depth stream. [ INFO] [1677244077.124616767]: depth is started [camera/camera-2] process has died [pid 24718, exit code -11, cmd /home/fldec/ros_ws/devel/lib/astra_camera/astra_camera_node /camera/depth/color/points:=/camera/depth_registered/points __name:=camera __log:=/home/fldec/.ros/log/2a6c1094-b444-11ed-8300-8cec4bcb2748/camera-camera-2.log]. log file: /home/fldec/.ros/log/2a6c1094-b444-11ed-8300-8cec4bcb2748/camera-camera-2*.log