OrbbecSDK_ROS1 copied to clipboard
OrbbecSDK ROS wrapper
Hello, I'm running a femto-bolt camera under ROS-noetic, Ubuntu20.04. It works well in OrbbecViewer, but fails with terminal commands. I tried to start the camera and view the image in...
``` sudo cp 99-obsensor-libusb.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/99-obsensor-libusb.rules ``` from the **install udev rules:** section should be ``` sudo cp 99-obsensor-ros1-libusb.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/99-obsensor-libusb.rules ```
When running `v1.5.3` with `roslaunch orbbec_camera gemini2XL.launch` the software crashes with : ``` terminate called after throwing an instance of 'libobsensor::wrong_api_call_sequence_exception' what(): Resource busy! You can try again later! ```...
In file "src/ob_camera_node.cpp" using a function `boost::filesystem::create_directory` to create a new directory: ``` if (!boost::filesystem::exists(current_path + "/point_cloud")) { boost::filesystem::create_directory(current_path + "/point_cloud"); } ``` and there are two other places. However,...
I've added cmake code to append to the EXECUTABLES list in the add_obbec_executable macro. As discussed previously on issue #22 it appears that the intention was to grow the EXECUTABLES...
when I run roslaunch orbbec_camera astra.launch, this error occured. Anyone know why this happened?
Input: ``` $ roslaunch orbbec_camera femto_bolt.launch ``` Output: ``` [ WARN] [1714036053.974147522]: Publishing dynamic camera transforms (/tf) at 10 Hz [ INFO] [1714036053.997410512]: Stream left_ir is disabled. [ INFO] [1714036053.997470525]:...
can I know where is the pointcloud saved if I run "rosservice call /camera/save_point_cloud"? The documentation said that if I launch "rosservice call /camera/save_images",the image will saved in .ros/images,but I...
I am trying to dockerize the ROS1 application. Attaching my Dockerfile and run.sh files _(added the extension .txt for individual file upload)_. I hope that they will help replicate the...