OrbbecSDK_ROS1 copied to clipboard
[camera/camera-2] process has died [pid xxxx, exit code -11 ...
Hello, I'm running a femto-bolt camera under ROS-noetic, Ubuntu20.04. It works well in OrbbecViewer, but fails with terminal commands. I tried to start the camera and view the image in Rviz, but usually after I entered "roslaunch orbbec_camera femto_bolt.launch" I got error message like this:
[camera/camera-2] process has died [pid xxxx, exit code -11, cmd /home/xxx/xxx/devel/lib/orbbec_camera/orbbec_camera_node /camera/depth/color/points:=/camera/depth_registered/points __name:=camera __log:=/home/xxx/.ros/log/91bf7772-1852-11ef-bde4-4bb8f2ffcf85/camera-camera-2.log]. log file: /home/xxx/.ros/log/91bf7772-1852-11ef-bde4-4bb8f2ffcf85/camera-camera-2*.log
Sometimes I could successfully run that command by pulling the USB cable out and reinserting it, but still failed to view the image in Rviz, as Status Warn showing: "No Image Received". Strangely, I was able to view the image in Rviz this way days ago. The problem still exists after I upgraded OrbbecSDK_ROS1 to the newest version.
Looking forward to an answer! Many thanks!