ansible-oracle-modules copied to clipboard
Bequeath Connections - Connecting without service or wallet
After discovering your modules I came across what appears to be an issue if I want to use a bequeathed connection to the DB (e.g. $ sqlplus / as sysdba
). I was using your oracle_role
module for testing but a quick check seems to show that the code is the same in modules that connect to a database.
First, here is the relevant information from my db_definition_file
that I am reading:
host: oradbdvsingle1
sid: labdv
oracle_home: /opt/oracle/base/product/
Here is the contents of my playbook currently. You'll notice I am not specifying service, username, or password
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
gather_facts: false
db_definition: "{{ lookup('file', db_definition_file) | from_yaml }}"
- name: add host(s) to group 'ora_db'...
name: "{{ db_definition.fqdn }}"
groups: ora_db
db: "{{ db_definition }}"
- hosts: ora_db
become_user: oracle
- block:
- name: Add a role
role: testrole
state: present
mode: sysdba
ORACLE_HOME: "{{ db.oracle_home }}"
LD_LIBRARY_PATH: "{{ db.oracle_home }}/lib"
ORACLE_SID: "{{ db.sid }}"
I modified the oracle_role
module in 2 spots:
- Change
service_name = dict(required=True),
toservice_name = dict(required=False),
- Added/Changed the following in main:
if (not user and not password and not service_name): # Assuming that ORACLE_SID environment variable is set and this is a bequeath connection
if mode == 'sysdba':
conn = cx_Oracle.connect(mode=cx_Oracle.SYSDBA)
conn = cx_Oracle.connect()
elif (not user and not password ): # If neither user or password is supplied, the use of an oracle wallet is assumed
I'd like to propose this change be propagated to all modules where connections are made to the DB. I can proceed to make the changes but wanted to approach you first in case I'm missing something obvious that you ran into in development.