
Results 39 issues of orange

When executing a wasmfile which is 72MB, the wasm3 prints : Error: [Fatal] repl_load: file is too big Error: file is too big Is there any limit for wasm3 to...

In the following wat file : [test.txt]( It wants to call the function `assert_eq_i32` and `print_input` from host, how to call the host functions in wasm3 by rust api ?

Does wasm3 support execution of SIMD? Waiting for your answer. Thanks a lot.

## Steps to reproduce The wat file : (module (type (;0;) (func (result f64))) (func (;0;) (type 0) (result f64) f64.const 0x0p+0 (;=0;) f64.const 0x0p+0 (;=0;) f64.const 0x0p+0 (;=0;) f64.div...


## Steps o reproduce This is related to Compile the C program into wasm : [ls.txt]( (1) `wasmedge ls.wasm --dir=./testfolder -- testfolder | wc -l` or (2)`wasmedgec ls.wasm`...


## Description When executing the `func1` function in main.wasm, wasmer print `79228162514264337593543950336`, but wasmedge print nothing. The main.wasm is uploaded as main.txt since it is not supported to upload a...


Does WAMR support execute wast file ? For example: (module (func (export "div_s") (param $x i64) (param $y i64) (result i64) (i64.div_s (local.get $x) (local.get $y))) ) (assert_trap (invoke "div_s"...

## Steps to reproduce [test2-wat.txt]( [test1-c.txt]( [test2-c.txt]( [test1-wat.txt]( test1.c is uploaded as test1-c.txt , so as test2.c. test1.wat is uploaded as test1-wat.txt, so as test2.wat. #### (1)interpreter `cd build` `cmake...

## Steps to reproduce I tried to execute **test.wat** [test.txt]( through c-api in **test-in-api.c** [test-in-api.txt]( . In test.wat, it **import 2 function from host (c file)** : `assert_eq_i32` and `print_input`....

## I use wasmer-go to run wasm program contains simd instruction, but failed. ### **`go program:`** `package main import ( "fmt" wasmer "" "io/ioutil" ) func test(){ wasmBytes, _ :=...

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