
Results 7 issues of uncle

## 🌟 Feature Description ## Motivation The CN market has a standard for symbol name, suggest to follow the rule, so that the third party data could be imported more...


#### One line description of the issue Error when insert data to Mongodb with Djongo (install last version from github) TypeError: 'Note' object is not subscriptable #### Python script Model...

总是出现这个错误,并无限循环 The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. 用proexp查看并未发现那个进程在占用,查看目标目录中,能找到play-jdbc-api_2.11-2.5.0-sources.jar.sha1这个文件,里面也有内容。也可正常删除。 SBT改用oschina源后没有问题。 Using client of fast-upstream for koala 03-15 08:45:55.383 ERROR akka.actor.OneForOneStrategy akka://repox/user/RequestQueueMaster/GetQueueWorker_187535/GetMaster_187536 C:\Users\me.repox\storage\temp\repox9210516608242367649.tmp ->...

windows specific

I'm following the instruction in [build pyarrow on windows](https://arrow.apache.org/docs/developers/python.html#building-on-windows ), but failed at the step of "python setup.py build_ext --inplace". C:\dev\tmp\arrow\python>python setup.py build_ext --inplace C:\softs\dev\anaconda3\envs\rq\lib\site-packages\setuptools_scm\git.py:105: UserWarning: "C:\dev\tmp\arrow" is shallow and...

# QUANTAXIS PR 😇 ## 🛠该PR主要解决的问题🛠: 将原有hard coding的交易日历改为用程序迭代生成交易日 可使用到2025年12月31日 作者信息: karma 时间: 2022-08-23

werkzeug: - - [29/Sep/2019 04:57:12] "GET /web/static/lib/fontawesome/css/font-awesome.css HTTP/1.0" 404

With win10 Subsystem Linux 2, we can take the advantage of docker desktop WSL2 based engine to run this plugin. Here share the steps: 1. you must activate and install...