oragehack copied to clipboard
A minecraft injection client that uses launchwrapper
reinventing the idea of overengineered
How to build
run ./gradlew oragehack:build
build should be in oragehack/build/libs
Papers I need to read to help me
- https://code.google.com/archive/p/java-gpu/
- http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
made by oragejuce (mostly) with pain and love Special thanks to:
- Jenni
- 254n_m for github CI stuff
- thank u nuker (for being awesome)
- 0x22 (for keeping me motivated) also 254n_m (helping me with gradle)
How to install
This assumes you use multimc / prism-launcher
Click edit instance
Go to the versions
Click add empty
set name
to oragehack
and uid
to me.oragejuice.oragehack
Select edit
and replace with the Json below
Click Open libraries
and drag the jar into it
Install forge and make sure it loads before oragehack
"+tweakers": [
"formatVersion": 1,
"libraries": [
"name": "net.minecraft:launchwrapper:1.12"
"name": "org.ow2.asm:asm-all:4.1"
"name": "me.oragejuice.oragehack:oragehack:1.0",
"MMC-hint": "local",
"MMC-filename": "oragehack-1.0.jar"
"name": "oragehack",
"requires": [
"equals": "1.12",
"uid": "net.minecraft"
"uid": "me.oragejuice.oragehack",
"version": "1",
"mainClass": "net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch"
When writing classes and functions they should all follow the format
class aClass {
public void aFunction() {
if (something()) {
//do thing
take note of the use of Camel case, and the spacing after each call. the braces should match the indentation of the call.
Secondly static
functions should only be written if they are either purely functional (no side effects)
unless if they interface with an inherently stateful system
e.g GL or MC itself. The exception to this is Factories.
Otherwise, if needed then use singletons