Setting listener to null won't help. I solved (or better say workaround-ed) the problem by using this inherited version of bottombar (it's essentially the solution chip2n proposed above). In my...
Thank you, it works. I've noticed something strange. If you have project that uses android library and that library defines icepick processor and annotationProcessor, then icepick won't work inside the...
I have so far only found an ugly workaround in the form of using this control under `actionLayout`, making `R.id.mt_arrow` gone and enabling search `enableSearch()` under `setOnActionExpandListener`
"called once" - under which conditions? The above is true for activity but not for fragments. If you have backstack, every backing (assuming backstack is single container based) will trigger...
So far ended up using something similar @or-dvir , thanks.
Found a better way imo: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63519198/proper-instrumentation-test-with-koin/63524040#63524040
Really appreciate your effort here, as evolving android is ever-trying to make our lives more "fun". I cherry-picked the commit and tried it together with whatever master has, not working...
Interestingly enough, tests are not crashing under physical device (FTL Pixel 5e redfin, API 30) BUT cloud artifacts no longer have screenshots :(
I think you guys misunderstood purpose of `referenceDir`. Considering "screenshots saved" comment in the original post, I believe the intent was to use `recordDir` (to keep baseline screenshots). That certainly...