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Multiple NICs support missing from "oci_core_instance"

Open mhca99 opened this issue 1 year ago • 11 comments


I am using OCI Terraform module "oci_core_instance" for deploying VM with three additional/secondary network cards. This VM leverages cloud-init(user-data) script to configure FortiGate initial configuration on all three Network cards.

The problem or bug is that the "oci_core_instance" resource module does not have option to assign Secondary NICs in the same resource module i..e "oci_core_instance" and therefore I have to use separate NIC attachment resource "oci_core_vnic_attachment" to assign three NICs to VM. By the time these NICs are assigned , the VM already reboots and cloud-init(user-data) configuration start kicks in without all secondary NICs available in the VM. Therefore cloud-init configuration fails.

Can we make it possible to have secondary NICs created/assigned within "oci_core_instance" resource OR if we can introduce some delay in triggering the metdata block (which has user-data script) in "oci_core_instance" resource so that all required secondary NICs are attached to VM before cloud-init triggers ?

I am also looking into "oci_core_instance_configuration" if that can be used as it has multiple NIC option , however, I think it may be related to instance pool configuration. I will check and update unless someone already knows.

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Terraform Version and Provider Version

terraform {

backend "azurerm" {}

required_version = ">= 1.3.0, < 2.0.0"

required_providers { oci = { source = "oracle/oci" version = ">= 4.93.0, < 5.0.0" configuration_aliases = [ oci.home ] } } }

Affected Resource(s)

"oci_core_instance" and "oci_core_vnic_attachment"

Terraform Configuration Files

Following is the excerpt from configuration:

resource "oci_core_instance" "vm-a" { count = 1 availability_domain = ( var.availability_domain_name != "" ? var.availability_domain_name : ( length(data.oci_identity_availability_domains.ads.availability_domains) == 1 ? data.oci_identity_availability_domains.ads.availability_domains[0].name : data.oci_identity_availability_domains.ads.availability_domains[count.index].name)) compartment_id = local.appdev_compartment_id display_name = "FortiGate-Primary-Firewall" shape = var.vm_compute_shape

dynamic "shape_config" { for_each = local.is_flex_shape content { ocpus = shape_config.value.ocpus memory_in_gbs = shape_config.value.memory } } create_vnic_details { subnet_id = local.use_existing_network ? var.mangement_subnet_id : oci_core_subnet.mangement_subnet[0].id display_name = "vm-a" assign_public_ip = true hostname_label = "vma" private_ip = var.mgmt_private_ip_primary_a } launch_options { network_type = "PARAVIRTUALIZED" }

source_details { source_type = "image" source_id = local.listing_resource_id }

metadata = { user_data = base64encode(data.template_file.vm-a_userdata.rendered) } timeouts { create = "60m" } }

resource "oci_core_vnic_attachment" "vnic_attach_untrust_a" { count = 1 #depends_on = [oci_core_instance.vm-a] instance_id = oci_core_instance.vm-a[count.index].id display_name = "vnic_untrust_a"

create_vnic_details { subnet_id = local.use_existing_network ? var.untrust_subnet_id : oci_core_subnet.untrust_subnet[0].id display_name = "vnic_untrust_a" assign_public_ip = false skip_source_dest_check = false private_ip = var.untrust_private_ip_primary_a } }

resource "oci_core_vnic_attachment" "vnic_attach_trust_a" { depends_on = [oci_core_vnic_attachment.vnic_attach_untrust_a] count = 1 instance_id = oci_core_instance.vm-a[count.index].id display_name = "vnic_trust"

create_vnic_details { subnet_id = local.use_existing_network ? var.trust_subnet_id : oci_core_subnet.trust_subnet[0].id display_name = "vnic_trust_a" assign_public_ip = false skip_source_dest_check = true private_ip = var.trust_private_ip_primary_a } }

resource "oci_core_vnic_attachment" "vnic_attach_hb_a" { depends_on = [oci_core_vnic_attachment.vnic_attach_trust_a] count = 1 instance_id = oci_core_instance.vm-a[count.index].id display_name = "vnic_hb_a"

create_vnic_details { subnet_id = local.use_existing_network ? var.ha_subnet_id : oci_core_subnet.ha_subnet[0].id display_name = "vnic_hb_a" assign_public_ip = false skip_source_dest_check = false private_ip = var.hb_private_ip_primary_a } }

# Copy-paste your Terraform configurations here - for large Terraform configs,
# please use a service like Dropbox and share a link to the ZIP file. 
# Please remove any sensitive information from configuration files before sharing them. 

Debug Output

Panic Output

Expected Behavior

Actual Behavior

Steps to Reproduce

  1. terraform apply

Important Factoids


mhca99 avatar Mar 09 '23 16:03 mhca99