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Multiple NICs support missing from "oci_core_instance"
I am using OCI Terraform module "oci_core_instance" for deploying VM with three additional/secondary network cards. This VM leverages cloud-init(user-data) script to configure FortiGate initial configuration on all three Network cards.
The problem or bug is that the "oci_core_instance" resource module does not have option to assign Secondary NICs in the same resource module i..e "oci_core_instance" and therefore I have to use separate NIC attachment resource "oci_core_vnic_attachment" to assign three NICs to VM. By the time these NICs are assigned , the VM already reboots and cloud-init(user-data) configuration start kicks in without all secondary NICs available in the VM. Therefore cloud-init configuration fails.
Can we make it possible to have secondary NICs created/assigned within "oci_core_instance" resource OR if we can introduce some delay in triggering the metdata block (which has user-data script) in "oci_core_instance" resource so that all required secondary NICs are attached to VM before cloud-init triggers ?
I am also looking into "oci_core_instance_configuration" if that can be used as it has multiple NIC option , however, I think it may be related to instance pool configuration. I will check and update unless someone already knows.
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Terraform Version and Provider Version
terraform {
backend "azurerm" {}
required_version = ">= 1.3.0, < 2.0.0"
required_providers { oci = { source = "oracle/oci" version = ">= 4.93.0, < 5.0.0" configuration_aliases = [ oci.home ] } } }
Affected Resource(s)
"oci_core_instance" and "oci_core_vnic_attachment"
Terraform Configuration Files
Following is the excerpt from configuration:
resource "oci_core_instance" "vm-a" { count = 1 availability_domain = ( var.availability_domain_name != "" ? var.availability_domain_name : ( length(data.oci_identity_availability_domains.ads.availability_domains) == 1 ? data.oci_identity_availability_domains.ads.availability_domains[0].name : data.oci_identity_availability_domains.ads.availability_domains[count.index].name)) compartment_id = local.appdev_compartment_id display_name = "FortiGate-Primary-Firewall" shape = var.vm_compute_shape
dynamic "shape_config" { for_each = local.is_flex_shape content { ocpus = shape_config.value.ocpus memory_in_gbs = shape_config.value.memory } } create_vnic_details { subnet_id = local.use_existing_network ? var.mangement_subnet_id : oci_core_subnet.mangement_subnet[0].id display_name = "vm-a" assign_public_ip = true hostname_label = "vma" private_ip = var.mgmt_private_ip_primary_a } launch_options { network_type = "PARAVIRTUALIZED" }
source_details { source_type = "image" source_id = local.listing_resource_id }
metadata = { user_data = base64encode(data.template_file.vm-a_userdata.rendered) } timeouts { create = "60m" } }
resource "oci_core_vnic_attachment" "vnic_attach_untrust_a" { count = 1 #depends_on = [oci_core_instance.vm-a] instance_id = oci_core_instance.vm-a[count.index].id display_name = "vnic_untrust_a"
create_vnic_details { subnet_id = local.use_existing_network ? var.untrust_subnet_id : oci_core_subnet.untrust_subnet[0].id display_name = "vnic_untrust_a" assign_public_ip = false skip_source_dest_check = false private_ip = var.untrust_private_ip_primary_a } }
resource "oci_core_vnic_attachment" "vnic_attach_trust_a" { depends_on = [oci_core_vnic_attachment.vnic_attach_untrust_a] count = 1 instance_id = oci_core_instance.vm-a[count.index].id display_name = "vnic_trust"
create_vnic_details { subnet_id = local.use_existing_network ? var.trust_subnet_id : oci_core_subnet.trust_subnet[0].id display_name = "vnic_trust_a" assign_public_ip = false skip_source_dest_check = true private_ip = var.trust_private_ip_primary_a } }
resource "oci_core_vnic_attachment" "vnic_attach_hb_a" { depends_on = [oci_core_vnic_attachment.vnic_attach_trust_a] count = 1 instance_id = oci_core_instance.vm-a[count.index].id display_name = "vnic_hb_a"
create_vnic_details { subnet_id = local.use_existing_network ? var.ha_subnet_id : oci_core_subnet.ha_subnet[0].id display_name = "vnic_hb_a" assign_public_ip = false skip_source_dest_check = false private_ip = var.hb_private_ip_primary_a } }
# Copy-paste your Terraform configurations here - for large Terraform configs,
# please use a service like Dropbox and share a link to the ZIP file.
# Please remove any sensitive information from configuration files before sharing them.
Debug Output
Panic Output
Expected Behavior
Actual Behavior
Steps to Reproduce
terraform apply