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19.2.0 Date interop not working
I'm trying to use the new date interop in 19.2.0, but having issues in both directions across the Javascript/Java boundary:
- When I create a JS Date in Javascript, it's only seen as a Java
if I explicitly
. However,
instead gives me an emptyMap
. The workaround for this is to use theHostAccessBuilder#targetTypeMapping
feature. - When I create a
in java, it's not seen as a JS Date in Javascript. ImplementingProxyInstant
does not change this. And there is no Java-JS type mapping (see Thus I still need to continue to use my own DateProxy (aProxyObject
that exposes agetTime
member as aProxyExecutable
Here is a testng test in Groovy that demonstrates the issues:
// In Groovy
void "date interop troubles"() {
// Java -> JS ----------------------------------------------------------
def hostAccess = HostAccess.newBuilder()
// we could use .targetTypeMapping, but are showing how date interop doesn't work without it
context = Context.newBuilder("js")
.option("js.experimental-foreign-object-prototype", "true")
def val = context.eval("js", "new Date();")
that "asDate on js-date works", {
def asResult =
assert asResult instanceof Date
assertThat asResult isInstanceOf Date
that "asObject on js-date does NOT work", {
def asResult =
assertThat asResult isNotInstanceOf Date
assertThat asResult isInstanceOf Map
that "asMap on js-object-with-date does NOT work", {
val = context.eval("js", "var abc = { str: 'hi', num: 123, date: new Date() }; abc;")
def asResult =
assertThat isNotInstanceOf Date
assertThat isInstanceOf Map
asResult = TypeLiteral<Map<String,Object>>() {})
assertThat isNotInstanceOf Date
assertThat isInstanceOf Map
// Java -> JS ----------------------------------------------------------
context.getBindings("js").putMember("binding", new Date())
that "java Date does NOT become or act like a js-date", {
val = context.eval("js", "binding instanceof Date")
assert val.isBoolean() && !val.asBoolean()
try {
context.eval("js", "binding.getTime();")
assert false
} catch (PolyglotException ignored) { /* expected */}
that "does NOT work for a POJO containing an explicit Date field in js", {
context.getBindings("js").putMember("testClass", new TestClass(testDate: new Date()))
val = context.eval("js", "testClass.testDate instanceof Date")
assert val.isBoolean() && !val.asBoolean()
try {
context.eval("js", "testClass.testDate.getTime();")
assert false
} catch (PolyglotException ignored) { /* expected */}
// Not testing fancier things like Dates as values on Object/Serializable fields, within Collections, etc
that "does NOT work for ProxyInstant", {
context.getBindings("js").putMember("binding", ProxyInstant.from(new Date().toInstant()))
val = context.eval("js", "binding instanceof Date")
assert val.isBoolean() && !val.asBoolean()
try {
context.eval("js", "binding.getTime();")
assert false
} catch (PolyglotException ignored) { /* expected */}
public class TestClass {
public Date testDate;
Hi @hashtag-smashtag
I'm currently facing the same issue and was wondering if you have an example of your targetTypeMappings
for JS Dates to Java Dates.
Cheers and thanks, David
Hi @Biglr ,
For the JS->Java direction, we use something like this (note DateProxy
references are our own proxy for Java->JS):
// Wherever you're setting up your HostAccess, ours is static:
private static void addTypeMappings(HostAccess.Builder builder) {
builder.targetTypeMapping(Value.class, Object.class, Values::isDate, Values::toDateOrClassCastException);
builder.targetTypeMapping(Value.class, Date.class, Values::isDate, Values::toDateOrClassCastException);
builder.targetTypeMapping(Value.class, DateProxy.class, Values::isDate, Values::toDateOrClassCastException);
// Use the HostAccess when you're constructing your Contexts:
Builder contextBuilder = Context.newBuilder("js)
public final class Values {
public static boolean isDate(@Nullable Value value) {
if (value == null || value.isNull() || value.isHostObject()) {
return false;
// Could consider other formats like long epoch
// Currently just looking for js Date class or DateProxy
if (value.isProxyObject() && (value.asProxyObject() instanceof DateProxy)) {
return true;
Value metaObject = value.getMetaObject();
if ((metaObject == null) || !Objects.equals(metaObject.getMetaSimpleName(), "Date")) {
return false;
return value.hasMember("getTime") && value.getMember("getTime").canExecute();
public static Date toDateOrClassCastException(@Nullable Value value) {
Date date = toDate(value);
if (value == null) {
// So mapper can move onto other mappings
throw new ClassCastException();
public static Date toDate(@Nullable Value value) {
if (value == null || value.isNull()) {
return null;
if (value.isProxyObject() && value.asProxyObject() instanceof DateProxy) {
return (DateProxy) value.asProxyObject();
checkArgument(value.hasMember("getTime"), "Value [%s] is not a Date.", value);
Value time = value.getMember("getTime").execute();
checkArgument((time != null) && time.isNumber() && time.fitsInLong(),
"Value [%s] is not a Date.", value);
return new DateProxy(time.asLong());
Cheers, Matt
Hi @hashtag-smashtag
Thank you very much for your reply!
I was fiddling around with targetTypeMaps
in the mean time and I came up with this (found something similar in a close GitHub issue somewhere, there really is not much in terms of examples for this around...):
.targetTypeMapping(Value.class, Date.class, v -> v.hasMember("getTime"), v -> new Date(v.getMember("getTime").execute().asLong()))
however, this never worked and just ignored the mapping no matter what i set for accepts
I guess the critical point was to not only specify Date.class
or LocalDate.class
but Object.class
as well (which you did gladly, otherwise I might have never come to that conclusion).
I'll stick to your implementation though, since it offers much more extensibility :wink:
Thank you once again very much, you saved me a lot time and headaches :grinning:
Cheers, David
Java->JS interop is still mostly broken. Using 20.2.0, it looks like JSRuntime.toPrimitiveFromForeign doesn't handle Date/Instance correctly and calls toString and tries to coerce it to a double. When I try to use the Intl library for formatting a straight ProxyDate, it gives a rangeError. If my ProxyDate implements ProxyObject and implements toString as the same as getTime, it works, but it's incorrect. Date.toString() should return a formatted date and not the epoch date.
JSRuntime.toPrimitiveFromForeign should check InteropLibrary.isDate/isInstant/etc. and then call the appropiate method.
You can validate it by running js --jvm --js.intl-402
then trying this
var pdate = Java.type('org.graalvm.polyglot.proxy.ProxyDate').from(Java.type('java.time.LocalDate').now())
new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-US').format(pdate)
It returns
RangeError: Provided date is not in valid range.
at <js> null(Unknown)
at <js> :program(<shell>:2:1:0-45)
instead of properly coercing as a JSDate
Hi @steventamm
For Java -> JS we use something like this as a workaround:
public class DateProxy extends Date implements ProxyObject {
private static final Set<String> PROTOTYPE_FUNCTIONS = ImmutableSet.of(
public DateProxy(Date date) {
public DateProxy(long epoch) {
public Object getMember(String key) {
switch (key) {
case "getTime":
return (ProxyExecutable) arguments -> getTime();
case "toJSON":
case "toISOString":
return (ProxyExecutable) arguments -> ISO8601Utils.format(this, true);
case "toString":
// Currently defaulting to Date.toString, but could improve
return (ProxyExecutable) arguments -> toString();
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This date does not support: " + key);
public Object getMemberKeys() {
public boolean hasMember(String key) {
return PROTOTYPE_FUNCTIONS.contains(key);
public void putMember(String key, Value value) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This date does not support adding new properties/functions.");