cordova-plugin-wkwebview-file-xhr copied to clipboard
Not allowed to load local resource
XCode 12.4 Cordova 6.0
Load image from local resource and Specifies the path to the image is local resource path
Device file path : "file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/CE6CC1DD-2883-4FC8-932D-947242BC5020/Library/NoCloud/Driving_posture_V1_20140924_thumb.jpg "
simulator file path: "file:///Users/mac2/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/A78582B1-7A35-4530-B111-E464C058DCD2/data/Containers/Data/Application/ED800D6A-9E5B-42A5-99C7-56CFFB50B884/Library/NoCloud/Driving_posture_V1_20140924_thumb.jpg "
It work in simulator. But it's fail in device.
I got the below error.
Unhandled Promise Rejection: NotSupportedError: The operation is not supported.
Using the window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL() method check the file existence and it gives an Entry object corresponding to it, as long as that file exists within either the TEMPORARY or PERSISTENT filesystems.
File is existing in the path but not accessible.
@veerasatyanarayana Please verify the issue with latest version of plugin and let us know.
same problem. I install my plugin version is 3.1. Cross origin requests are only supported for HTTP