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Python Library for Model Interpretation/Explanations
The latest released version (PyPI) of Skater is **1.1.2** but since then the changes made to the repo diverge from the PyPI package. Some of these changes include loosening the...
Dear all, I am using DecisionTreeClassifier and skater. When I apply skater, I got the error below. ValueError: Can't get rows for data of type I checked both x_train and...
I'm using Skater on windows 64 with python 3.6 in Anaconda. I'm trying to implement the example on sklearn's breast cancer dataset ( When I run the command 'from skater.core.global_interpretation.tree_surrogate...
Hi, as discussed when I was building my model interpretation tutorial on the census or adult dataset, the surrogate tree model throws an error when trying to get the rules...
I have come across an error in the plot_feature_importance method, relating to the n_samples parameter. When the parameter is set lower than the size of the test set (or train...
Currently, the discretizer implemented to handle continuous features within BRLC is Quantile-based. This could further be improved by adding support for entropy criterion with the Minimum Description Length Principle (MDLP)...
I'm getting this error when I train on the **classifier models** on my own dataset. I also set the number of estimators under control, so that I'm sure it sums...
Dear all, I try to install skater using pip3.6 install -U skater. I have Python(3.6.9). I get the following build error (the error is found in the attached link) after...
Stuck on the progress bar warning message when using global Interpretation on keras sequential model
I was able to use skater library functions without much problems for other flavours and models like Random forest, Gradient Booster, Decision Tree etc. to create PDPs and Feature Importances...
Skater importance does not works for very small dataset raises error . dataset:Container_Crane_Controller_Data_Set.csv