cs2-Connect-Disconnect-Sound icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
cs2-Connect-Disconnect-Sound copied to clipboard

Connect , Disconnect , Country , City , Message , Sound , Logs , Discord

[CS2] Connect-Disconnect-Sound (1.0.9)

Connect , Disconnect , Country , City , Message , Sound , Logs , Discord

new new2 new3

.:[ Dependencies ]:.

Metamod:Source (2.x)


GeoLite2-City.mmdb (Country, City, databases) [[Must Be inside ../addons/counterstrikesharp/plugins/CnD_Sound/GeoLocation/]]

MaxMind.Db (Geo Locations)

MaxMind.GeoIP2 (Geo Locations)

Newtonsoft.Json (Discord WebHook)

.:[ Configuration ]:.

[!CAUTION] Config Located In ..\addons\counterstrikesharp\plugins\CnD_Sound\config\config.json

  //Disable Looping Connections To Anti Spam Chat
  "DisableLoopConnections": true,
  //Remove Default Disconnect Message 
  "RemoveDefaultDisconnect": true,
  //Sound Path Of Connect Players To Disable Make it ""
  "InGameSoundConnect": "sounds/buttons/blip1.vsnd_c",
  //Sound Path Of Disconnect Players To Disable Make it ""
  "InGameSoundDisconnect": "sounds/player/taunt_clap_01.vsnd_c",
  //Allow These Group Only To Toggle On/Off Sounds "" Means Anyone
  "InGameAllowDisableCommandsOnlyForGroups": "",
  //Command Toggle On/Off To Disable This Make it ""
  "InGameSoundDisableCommands": "!stopsound,!stopsounds",
  //Delete Inactive Players Older Than X Days (Save Cookies in ../addons/counterstrikesharp/plugins/CnD_Sound/Cookies/)
  "RemovePlayerCookieOlderThanXDays": 7,
  // Message Connect/Disconnect
  //  {DATE} = Date
  //  {TIME} = Time
  //  {PLAYERNAME} = PlayerName
  //  {STEAMID} = SteamID [ex: STEAM_0:1:122910632]
  //  {STEAMID3} = SteamID3 [ex: U:1:245821265]
  //  {STEAMID32} = SteamID32 [ex: 245821265]
  //  {STEAMID64} = SteamID64 [ex: 76561198206086993]
  //  {IP} = IpAddress
  //  {LONGCOUNTRY} = LongCountry [ex: United Arab Emirates]
  //  {SHORTCOUNTRY} = ShortCountry [ex: AE]
  //  {CITY} = City [ex: Abu Dhabi]
  //  {REASON} = Disconnect Reason 
  // If Its Enabled Logs Will Located in ../addons/counterstrikesharp/plugins/CnD_Sound/logs/
  "SendLogToText": false,
  //How Message Look Like To Disable Make it ""
  "Log_TextConnectMessageFormat": "[{DATE} - {TIME}] {PLAYERNAME} Connected [{SHORTCOUNTRY} - {CITY}] [{STEAMID} - {IP}]",
  "Log_TextDisconnectMessageFormat": "[{DATE} - {TIME}] {PLAYERNAME} Disconnected [{SHORTCOUNTRY} - {CITY}] [{STEAMID64}] [{STEAMID} - {IP}] [{REASON}]",
  //Auto Delete Logs If More Than X (Days) Old
  "Log_AutoDeleteLogsMoreThanXdaysOld": 7,
  //Send Log To Discord Via WebHookURL
  //SendLogToWebHook (0) = Disable
  //SendLogToWebHook (1) = Text Only
  //SendLogToWebHook (2) = Text With + Name + Hyperlink To Steam Profile
  //SendLogToWebHook (3) = Text With + Name + Hyperlink To Steam Profile + Profile Picture
  "Log_SendLogToDiscordOnMode": 0,
  //If SendLogToWebHook (2) or SendLogToWebHook (3) How Would You Side Color Message To Be Check (https://www.color-hex.com/) For Colors
  "Log_DiscordSideColor": "00FFFF",
  //Discord WebHook
  //How Message Look Like To Disable Make it ""
  "Log_DiscordConnectMessageFormat": "{PLAYERNAME} Connected [{LONGCOUNTRY} - {CITY}]",
  "Log_DiscordDisconnectMessageFormat": "{PLAYERNAME} Disconnected [{LONGCOUNTRY} - {CITY}] [{REASON}]",
  //If Log_SendLogToDiscordOnMode (3) And Player Doesn't Have Profile Picture Which Picture Do You Like To Be Replaced
  "Log_DiscordUsersWithNoAvatarImage": "https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/b5/b5bd56c1aa4644a474a2e4972be27ef9e82e517e_full.jpg",


.:[ Language ]:.

	//        Colors
	//{Yellow} {Gold} {Silver} {Blue} {DarkBlue} {BlueGrey} {Magenta} {LightRed}
	//{LightBlue} {Olive} {Lime} {Red} {Purple} {Grey}
	//{Default} {White} {Darkred} {Green} {LightYellow}
	//        Other
	//{nextline} = Print On Next Line
	// Message Connect/Disconnect
	//  {0} = Date
	//  {1} = Time
	//  {2} = PlayerName
	//  {3} = SteamID [ex: STEAM_0:1:122910632]
	//  {4} = SteamID3 [ex: U:1:245821265]
	//  {5} = SteamID32 [ex: 245821265]
	//  {6} = SteamID64 [ex: 76561198206086993]
	//  {7} = IpAddress
	//  {8} = LongCountry [ex: United Arab Emirates]
	//  {9} = ShortCountry [ex: AE]
	//  {10} = City [ex: Abu Dhabi]
	//  {11} = Disconnect Reason 
	"chat.message.connect": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {purple}{2} {lime}Connected [{9} - {10}]",
	"chat.message.disconnect": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {purple}{2} {red}Disconnected [{11}]",

	"console.message.connect": "Gold KingZ | {2} Connected [{9} - {10}]",
	"console.message.disconnect": "Gold KingZ | {2} Disconnected [{9} - {10}] [{11}]",

	"command.not.allowed": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| {darkred}Toggle Connect/Disconnect Sounds For Vips",
	"command.sound.enabled": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| Connect/Disconnect Sounds Has Been {lime}Enabled",
	"command.sound.disabled": "{green}Gold KingZ {grey}| Connect/Disconnect Sounds Has Been {darkred}Disabled",

	"invalid.steamid": "InvalidSteamID",
	"invalid.ipadress": "InValidIpAddress",
	"unknown.short.country": "U/C",
	"unknown.long.country": "Unknown Country",
	"unknown.city": "Unknown City"

.:[ Change Log ]:.

-Fix Some Bugs
-Added DisableLoopConnections
-Added RemoveDefaultDisconnect
-Added InGameAllowDisableCommandsOnlyForGroups
-Added Log_DiscordUsersWithNoAvatarImage
-Added Lang console.message.connect
-Added Lang console.message.disconnect
-Added Lang command.not.allowed
-Added Lang invalid.steamid
-Added Lang invalid.ipadress
-Added Lang unknown.short.country
-Added Lang unknown.long.country
-Added Lang unknown.city

-Fix Some Bugs
-Fix InGameSoundDisableCommands
-Added "RemovePlayerCookieOlderThanXDays" (Save Cookies in ../addons/counterstrikesharp/plugins/CnD_Sound/Cookies/)

-Fix Some Bugs
-Fix AutoDeleteLogsMoreThanXdaysOld
-Added "InGameMessageFormatConnect" To lang "InGame_Message_Connect" 
-Added "InGameMessageFormatDisconnect" To lang "InGame_Message_Disconnect" 
-Added Disconnect Reason {REASON}
-Added "InGameSoundDisableCommands"  Disable Enable Sound

-Fix Some Bugs

-Added "AutoDeleteLogsMoreThanXdaysOld"
-Added "SendLogToWebHook" Mode 1/2/3
-Added "SideColorMessage"
-Fix Some Bugs
-Fix Connect / Disconnect Lag On Discord WebHook

-Added "SendLogToServerConsole"
-Added "LogDiscordChatFormatDisconnect" 
-Added "LogServerConsoleFormatDisconnect"
-Added "ConnectSoundPath" and "DisconnectSound" good sounds and not annoying
-Fix Some Bugs
-Fix {TIME} and {DATE} Swapped
-Fix Discord message now better style with link to steam

-Added "LogDiscordChatFormatConnect"
-Added "LogDiscordChatFormatDisconnect" 


-Fix CnDModeLogs Error If has no Permissions To Write [CnD_Sound.dll]
-Fix Discord Message Lag Spike Game Server Task.WaitAll To Task.Run


-Added "SendLogToWebHook"
-Added "WebHookURL"

-Added {IP} To

-Fixed if "ConnectPlayers" / "DisconnectPlayers" / "ConnectPlayersLog" / "DisconnectPlayersLog"
empty then disable it

-Initial Release

.:[ Donation ]:.

If this project help you reduce time to develop, you can give me a cup of coffee :)
