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Please see https://github.com/ethereum-optimism/optimism/tree/develop/infra/op-replica

Running a Network Node

This project lets you set up a local replica of the Optimistic Ethereum chain (either the main one or the Kovan testnet). New transactions are submitted either to the sequencer outside of Ethereum or to the Canonical Transaction Chain on L1. To submit transactions via a replica, set SEQUENCER_CLIENT_HTTP to a sequencer URL.


You need two components to replicate Optimistic Ethereum:

  • data-transport-layer, which retrieves and indexes blocks from L1. To access L1 you need an Ethereum Layer 1 provider, such as   Infura.

  • l2geth, which provides an Ethereum node where you applications can connect and run API calls.

Resource requirements

The data-transport-layer should run with 1 CPU and 256Mb of memory.

The l2geth process should run with 1 or 2 CPUs and between 4 and 8Gb of memory.

With this configuration a synchronization from block 0 to current height is expect to take about 8 hours.

Software Packages

These packages are required to run the replica:

  1. Docker
  2. Docker compose


To configure the project, clone this repository and copy either default-kovan.env or default-mainnet.env file to .env.

Review the SHARED_ENV_PATH configurations, no changes are required, but depending on the use case, you may need copy these examples to a new directory and make your changes.

!! Update DATA_TRANSPORT_LAYER__L1_RPC_ENDPOINT to a valid endpoint !!


Change any other settings required for your environment

Variable                 Purpose                                                   Default
COMPOSE_FILE The yml files to use with docker-compose replica.yml:replica-shared.yml
ETH_NETWORK               Ethereum Layer1 and Layer2 network (mainnet,kovan)       kovan (change to mainnet for the production network)
DATA_TRANSPORT_LAYER__L1_RPC_ENDPOINT An endpoint for the L1 network, either kovan or mainnet.
DATA_TRANSPORT_LAYER__L2_RPC_ENDPOINT Optimistic endpoint, such as https://kovan.optimism.io or https://mainnet.optimism.io
REPLICA_HEALTHCHECK__ETH_NETWORK_RPC_PROVIDER The L2 endpoint to check the replica against (typically the same as the DATA_TRANSPORT_LAYER__L2_RPC_ENDPOINT)
SEQUENCER_CLIENT_HTTP The L2 sequencer to forward tx to (typically the same as the DATA_TRANSPORT_LAYER__L2_RPC_ENDPOINT)
SHARED_ENV_PATH           Path to a directory containing env files                 a directory under ./kustomize/replica/envs
GCMODE Whether to run l2geth as an archive or full node archive
L2GETH_IMAGE_TAG         L2geth version                                           0.5.8 (see below)
DTL_IMAGE_TAG             Data transport layer version                             latest (see below)
HC_IMAGE_TAG Health check version latest (see below)
L2GETH_HTTP_PORT         Port number for the l2geth RPC endpoint                   9991
L2GETH_WS_PORT         Port number for the l2geth WebSockets endpoint           9992
DTL_PORT Port number for the DTL endpoint, for troubleshooting 7878
GETH_INIT_SCRIPT The script name to run when initializing l2geth A file under kustomize/replica/bases/configmaps/

Docker Image Versions

We recommend using the latest versions of both docker images. Find them as GitHub tags here and as published Docker images linked in the badges:

Package                                                                                                                         Docker                                                                                                                                                                                                              
@eth-optimism/l2geth                                       Docker Image Version (latest by date)                            
@eth-optimism/data-transport-layer Docker Image Version (latest by date)
@eth-optimism/replica-healthcheck Docker Image Version (latest by date)


Action Command
Start the replica (after which you can access it at http://localhost:L2GETH_HTTP_PORT docker-compose up -d
Get the logs for l2geth docker-compose logs -f l2geth-replica
Get the logs for data-transport-layer docker-compose logs -f data-transport-layer
Stop the replica docker-compose down

Sync Check

  There is a sync check container. It fails at startup because at that point the replica is not running yet. It exposes metrics on port 3000, which you could pick up with a Prometheus. You can view its status with this command:

docker-compose logs -f replica-healthcheck


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