optapy-quickstarts copied to clipboard
OptaPy quick starts for AI optimization: showcases many different use cases.
= OptaPy Quickstarts
== Overview of all Quickstarts
|=== |Quickstart | Binder Link
a|* <<school-timetabling, School timetabling>>
- <<vehicle-routing, Vehicle routing>>
- <<employee-scheduling, Employee scheduling>>
a|* https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/optapy/optapy-quickstarts/stable?filepath=school-timetabling/school-timetabling-quickstart.ipynb[image:https://mybinder.org/badge_logo.svg[Binder]]
- https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/optapy/optapy-quickstarts/stable?filepath=vehicle-routing/vehicle-routing-quickstart.ipynb[image:https://mybinder.org/badge_logo.svg[Binder]]
- Not Available |===
== Get started
Click the binder link to open the quickstart's notebook and run it in your browser.
== Quickstarts
[[school-timetabling]] === School timetabling
Assign lessons to timeslots and rooms to produce a better schedule for teachers and students.
- link:school-timetabling/README.adoc[Run the school timetabling quickstart locally]
[[vehicle-routing]] === Vehicle routing
Find the most efficient routes for a fleet of vehicles.
- link:vehicle-routing/README.adoc[Run the vehicle routing quickstart locally]
[[employee-scheduling]] === Employee scheduling
Assign employees to shifts to improve shifts schedule.
- link:employee-scheduling/README.adoc[Run the employee scheduling quickstart locally]
== More information
Learn more on https://www.optapy.org[www.optapy.org].